LoL: Arcade Sonaippus on DeviantArt

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ippus's avatar

LoL: Arcade Sona



:bulletblue: Commission Information :bulletblue: Tumblr :bulletblue: Livestream :bulletblue: <a href="

Some major changes to the face when I was editing the file for a small print :'D


Finally posting this after multiple livestreams and conventions. Probably edit it one more time before the next print (It's never anything big....I just have issues from time to time. It's just a matter of motivation...) but all in all this it's how it is.

Next convention is Anime Expo, virtually my only US con of the moment. We don't have table placements yet but when we do I'll shove another journal up 83
Lots of awesome people going this year so it'll be terrible fun~

LoL: Katarina the Sinister Blade by ippus LoL: Ezreal the Prodigal Explorer 2 by ippus LoL: Darkflame Shyvana by ippus LoL: Kayle the Judicator by ippus LoL: Captain Teemo by ippus LoL: Ashe the Frost Archer by ippus
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1260x900px 1.5 MB
© 2013 - 2025 ippus
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Dzikawa's avatar

Love composition so much! It's been a long time agoo wuaa Llama Emoji-10 (Shy) [V1]