A Legend of TimeInurantchan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/inurantchan/art/A-Legend-of-Time-499012306Inurantchan

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A Legend of Time



For today's ATG. The prompt was to draw a Pony Legend/a Pony Larger Than Life. Here's a ponified version of a green clad fairy boy.

More important things and less important things came up and before I knew it, it was one hour away from the deadline....and there was no way I would finish my original drawing, so I decided to do two sketches.
As I worked on this I went through periods of "Oh it's coming out pretty good", "Oh my god...this is terrible, this is why you don't ponify things", and then back to "Yay the BG is saving it", and finally I landed on "eh". It's almost 2am. I'm tired. I'll do better tomorrow...^^;

Mechanical Pencil .07mm
Took around 2 hours
MLP belongs to Hasbro
Link belongs to Nintendo
Picture referenced: www.legendra.com/media/wallpap…
Drawing belongs to me.

**This sketch is not yours to copy/eyeball/color/trace over**

Sorry it's blurry...my notebook got rained on about two months back, and now no sketches will come out perfectly sharp unless they're directly in the middle of the paper.
Also I forgot to shade part of the master sword...bleh.

EDIT: Fixed up the drawing a bit. :)
Image size
838x1230px 1.65 MB
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Neonhuo's avatar
This is awesome! Link pony totally counts as a legend!