Hello, I'm David. I'm a young artist, poet, author, artisan, and hobby enthusiast. I draw everything from fanart to OCs and even storybook illustrations. I create anything from papercraft to minature sewn couches. I'm also a fair photographer and a talented poetic/story writer. I am even teaching myself to animate. As of now I am aspiring to be a animation artist though my dream has always been to be a voice actor. One day I wish to reach both goals by voicing a character I animate.
I'm 22, live in New York and am a little lost in finding a path in life. I've always been pretty dark and still am but I can be great fun and will always try to answer comments and notes even if it takes me forever. Always looking to make new friends, and talk about common interests. So if you want a new friend feel free to talk to me.
Favorite genre of music: Rock, Soft Rock, Metal, Punk, Showtunes, Oldies, some screemo
Favorite movie genre: Horror, Action, Anything with deep thinking involved
Favorite style of art: MS Paint, Papercrafting, GIMP, Traditional, and Sharpie markers
MP3 player of choice: Ipod (but I never use it)
Favourite cartoon character: Shinji Ikari (weird choice, but he is my personality equivalent. Minus the "being a wimp" trait)
Personal Quote: "My burden is mine and mine alone to carry....But, in the end...nothing really matters.."
Next kiriban: on hold
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