You wake up groggily. The first thing that you notice is the cold, hard ground and you shivering. You open your eyes and then close them again as the bright sun shines in them. You move your arm to shield your eyes from the sun's light. As you do you feel something land on your legs.
Instantly pain fills your mind as your leg bones snap under the sudden weight. You open your eyes as you shriek in agony and see a gigantic high top Nike sneaker resting on them. “Hey you stupid thieving bitch. You thought you could steal my phone and get away with it?” you hear a feminine voice say with shear and unadulterated rage. You look up and see a pretty brown face above you with kinky brown hair. She looks familiar, “Carmen” you cry out. It is quickly followed by “oh God” as the realization of the situation that you are in distills from your mental fog. Carmen, while she is a tall and robust girl, she is not this tall.
“You thought I wouldn't find out? You thought I wouldn't do something?” she
She perhaps isn't the most beautiful woman in the office, but she is beautiful. She is certainly the kindest in the office. She knocks on your cubical wall, “Jack” she calls out your name. “Do you want anything from the deli? I'm getting a bagel.” “Yes, thank you” you say reply. “The usual?” “I'm a man of habit.”
As she walks away, you see that she has elected to wear her favorite Converse sneakers on this casual Friday. She returns a few minutes later and places the bagel on your desk. “Oh, I meant to ask you about that spreadsheet” she says. “I'm not sure what one of the parts of it deals with” she continues. “Show me” you say as you get up.
You and her reach her cubical and she sits down, your eyes fixated on her dirty sneakers as she pulls one of them to under her chair, the toe pressing against the floor. A near overwhelming urge fills you as she speaks to drop down on your knees and grovel at her feet, to lick the toe caps of her sneakers clean to show her your appreciation of
When shrinking was decided on as a method of punishing recidivists a couple of generations ago, there was little thought given to their chances of procreating. After-all, it was expected that they were to die in droves, and they indeed did. However some were able to survive, and of those survivors, some of those created communities.
Not all of these communities were in the wilderness, some were organized in the cities. Some of these urban communities were based in the sewers, others infested commercial buildings. Many of them were difficult or impossible to root out.
This constant battle between tinies seeking survival and the normal sized seeking to cleanse them produced strange cultures within some of these communities. You, were born into one of them. Your community is deep in the walls of a box store, its religion is based on fear and veneration of the normal sized. Goddesses they are considered to be. The long dead prophet of your community's religion, John, was said to have
Cruel Intentions 2 - The Party Favor by insect23, literature
Cruel Intentions 2 - The Party Favor
Stuck in a cage with others that were shrunken, you watch as women prepare bouquets of flowers. Your existence isn't that bad, you are fed, watered and allowed to clean yourselves. You look over at the woman, from your position on the floor all that you see of her are her dirty black and white Vans sneaker and her legs in blue jeans.
Another in your cage isn't as content. The women largely ignore you as they work on other things, one of the other tinies in your cage takes advantage of this. He discovers a small gap in the edge of the cage. He starts pulling and pushing at the metal, moving it slightly, just enough for a tiny to get out.
“If you don't want to live like cattle, come with me” he says aloud to the others. A couple others follow him. You watch as they slip out of the cage. The leader looks up at the pretty blonde woman working next to him and then steps out into the pathway. He runs across and turns to wait for the other two. The first follower runs across too, but his
When I started sharing my writings on here I didn't expect to get 50 followers, let alone 500. Thank you all for that, have a merry (belated) Christmas and a happy New Year.