Insanity-Hospital's avatar


An Insane Asylum Of Evil!
Years Ago
219 Members226 Watchers

Comments 94

anonymous's avatar
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Korwynze's avatar
my submissions arent being let into the group again ;0;
DrTenk's avatar
Merry Christhmas and Happy New Year!!!!!
UndercityIV's avatar
Glad my picture made it into yet another insane group, thanks. There will be more just like it in the future
FISH3BOOT's avatar
Korwynze's avatar
whenever i add something to the group, 
it needs to be viewed first or something, 
but strangely this never happens, never :I
FISH3BOOT's avatar
I can't say I know why this is. I just checked the admin area and this shouldn't happen. There is no "votes" on submissions to the group. I dunno. :c I'll keep trying to sort it.
Korwynze's avatar
dam :I 
well i will try to submit something again