I am the photographer. It is OK to criticize the photography. It is NOT OK to criticize the models.
My X-Box gamer tag is "Camera Mike."
I'm a lot like me, only more so.
I'm really not as serious as I look.
Shots before Anime Supercon 2007 (I think it was in November) were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 995. From November 2007 to December 2011 all shots were taken with a Canon EOS 40D. In December, my EOS 40 exploded, wiping out a small African village. I was forced to use a Nikon Coolpix S9100. It is a good consumer grade camera. Then I bought a Canon Rebel T3 in January 2012. It's a better consumer camera. Now I have a Canon EOS 60D.
I only refuse to take a stranger's picture under two circumstances:
1- I'm almost out, or out of memory.
2- You make a bad first impression.
I don't believe the term "comic book" is a valid term for what we generally refer to as "comic books." The illustrated stories are, with few exceptions, not primarily stories of comedy. Therefore, I use the term "manga" when refering to illustrated fiction, since the Japanese term means... >.
Some days I can't win.
My current rules for Deviant Art:
Since Deviant Art changed their tagging format, and I don't seem to be motivated to update regularly, there are no rules for me.
My Convention Schedule for the future:
Animate! Miami
Khaotic Kon
Omni Expo
Apex Anime
Florida Supercon
Anime Festival Orlando
Anime Weekend Atlanta
Holiday Matsuri
Anime South (maybe)
Personal Quote- "Those who always smile, never smile."
Current Residence: Florida
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium
Favourite genre of music: Unpopular
Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition
MP3 player of choice: Sansa
Thank you so much for watching! If you'd like, I have so many much spicier pics available to my subscribers! Only $5 a month! ;-)
Or check out some of my premium galleries!
thanks for watching apreciate it 😎
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