Where the words failInnocenceShiro on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/innocenceshiro/art/Where-the-words-fail-401765943InnocenceShiro

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InnocenceShiro's avatar

Where the words fail



"... music speaks."

I always wanted draw something using those words, I tried multiples times but... nothing. Yesterday, watching BigBang's Fantastic Baby MV, I saw GDragon with his white outfit and that style in his mouth... this came to my mind. So, I drew searched pics for know how to draw him and drew the sketch on a paper. I started it this morning, after come from work :)

The first idea was draw his face and part of this torso and black hair, but was like:" whut... again without clothes? Looks that I want see him naked, like he came to world. . . . ok, I want, but after 'Butterfly' drawing will be too much obsession lol". So, I drew him with this suit, immitating a little bit the clothes of a music director, but changing some things( I like desing clothes, namean lol). I changed the hair too, to black idea to black/white, remembering one of his 29845739857348 hair styles (Love one-sided styles, I can't avoid it LOL) and used a similar style. The music sheets was added when I finished GDs. At a first time, the idea was make the stave in the background, connecting with the lines, etc on his mouth, but I changed it, too much lines maybe? lol. About the mouth, etc. the idea was draw the 'tattoos' with black, but the shadows etc were too dark so, I changed them to white. . . . Gosh, basically, I changed all, ok?LOL

Well, I know that I'm being... repetitive with GD, sorry m(_ _)m I don't choose what I draw, I just do what Inspiration sends to my mind #namean.

Hope you like my GD fanart and his sexyyyIIII MEAN... gangster face~~
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nakuchan9095's avatar
Ooohhh!!! GD te a quedado adasdasd no tengo palabras! Me encantaa!!!!