Emmett? Gypsy called out in her quiet voice.
Yes, Buttercup, came his booming voice.
Im .ummm... *sigh* ...stuck, she explained with obvious embarrassment.
Laughter came from all corners of the enormous mansion to Gypsys horror. Tears filled her green eyes as she fought to get her foot free from the tree before anyone could see her.
Whatcha doin way up there? Emmett asked with his big goofy grin as he lumbered up the tree. Oh! Dont cry! Dont cry! he pleaded, quickly breaking the branch that had her caught in a knot hole. See, Gypsy, you are okay. Please stop crying!
Im sorry, she muttered wiping away her tears with ...
I need to inflict pain
Strip you of your dignity
See the blood flow
Torture your flesh
Hear the screams of pain
Fuck with your mind
Watch the suffering
Torment your soul
Know I caused the agony
Ignore the begging
Laugh at the tears
Leave you broken
Emmett? Gypsy called out in her quiet voice.
Yes, Buttercup, came his booming voice.
Im .ummm... *sigh* ...stuck, she explained with obvious embarrassment.
Laughter came from all corners of the enormous mansion to Gypsys horror. Tears filled her green eyes as she fought to get her foot free from the tree before anyone could see her.
Whatcha doin way up there? Emmett asked with his big goofy grin as he lumbered up the tree. Oh! Dont cry! Dont cry! he pleaded, quickly breaking the branch that had her caught in a knot hole. See, Gypsy, you are okay. Please stop crying!
Im sorry, she muttered wiping away her tears with ...
I need to inflict pain
Strip you of your dignity
See the blood flow
Torture your flesh
Hear the screams of pain
Fuck with your mind
Watch the suffering
Torment your soul
Know I caused the agony
Ignore the begging
Laugh at the tears
Leave you broken