InkGlazier's avatar


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Surrender by KellyDelRosso, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Traditional Art
  • Mar 24
  • United States
  • Deviant for 11 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (288)
My Bio

My name is Brandon Glazier. I have studied using many different mediums, but have always had an affinity for ink. I call my work Organic or Natural art because I don't try to create a certain design or image. It is a very free form of art and generally the more interesting pieces come from less effort at making it look how I choose VS how the ink chooses to disperse.
I find that every piece is unique, even when using the same ink. Many people find different images within the design and there may be images, but none were on purpose, that's just how the ink blended or just how you see the piece (fun for psychology buffs!).
I noticed that many of the people who view my art get a pleasant look in their eye, I think this is because the work is generally not of an immediately recognizable shape, but interesting to look at, which may be calming. I love hearing about each piece, by all means, leave comments/critiques/Notes/etc. You won't hurt my feelings!

An Artist is actually a collector if no one looks at what they create, so thank you for viewing my art!
If you are interested purchasing an original, I have reasonable prices, and offer free shipping within the US.

$20 for a 6'' x 8''
$40 for a 9'' x 12''
$60 for an 11'' x 15''
$80 for a 12'' x 18''
$100 for a 18'' x 24'

You can find more of my work in my gallery

Please ask about the availability, sizes, prices of any specific pieces.

I offer doing commissions, and sets in the color of your choice.

Please email me with any questions

I just started a google+ account, I'd love to see my DA friends there, thank you!

Favourite Visual Artist
Yoshitaka Amano
Favourite Movies
A Midnight in Paris
Favourite Games
Chess, Blackjack, Risk
Favourite Gaming Platform
Turbo graphics 16/ Nintendo DS
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
I was thinking about what some of your Studios might look like and so I figured I'd put up some pictures of my own.  I converted an extra back room, I have a lovely slab of plywood sitting on a real table and filing cabinet.  And a sneak peek at some of my larger 18x24'' pieces that are still drying.   When you step into the room, this is sort of how it looks                 I hang up a lot of my work.  I have two walls covered, it makes for an amazing distraction/inspiration when working on more.I suppose I can show my scanning monster, and my amazing laptop  :) Yep, I'm sitting in front of that huge screen at this very moment. This is ...
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A goal acheived

0 min read
I am so excited! I have recently been given the opportunity to display my work in a bin at a wonderful fine art gallery! This is a dream come true, a huge honor as well; the other artists' work is simply amazing, very deserving of their feature.That said, I think it's again time to feature more amazing work of amazing artists!                                                                    I LOVE this piece, @mizzzjulie really has a pretty fantastic gallery!            This is one of my favorites by @Hakkukei ,       And this one is an AWESOME commission of... me!! For those who don't know @Hakkukei  you're missing out, he's amazing.@si...
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Looky here!

0 min read
I had a really cool feature that came from a review about the inks that I use on almost every piece! Daler-Rowney, Art supply making masters since 1783!  I love their FW Acrylic Artist Inks!  For those not familiar, you should take a look at what they offer! (MUCH more than just ink!) They were awesome enough to feature three of my pieces on their facebook page! I am truly honored. Check it out! Thank you!  
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Profile Comments 464

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GabyCoutino's avatar
Nice gallery

Have a bunny
gk1903's avatar
happy birthday!!Horns 
Lynnae-Madison's avatar
Have your cake and eat it too I hope you have a wonderful birthday and many more! ^^Airborne 
Fun cake Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D birthday cake cake Birthday cake  icon Lily Wishing a Happy Birthday :happy birthday: Happy Birthday Godliek :DKao Emoji-16 (Happy Birthday) [V1] 
Freya-Celestial's avatar
pleases can you give me some points? or take alook my commission >< sorry for this
lama for lama!
sakpalamey's avatar
Happy Birthday, Brandon. :)
pikeyPIE's avatar
Happy Birthday! : D
Machu-Picchu95's avatar