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Carlos Nicolas Zamudio
745 Watchers148 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
  • United States
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • He / Him
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (71)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio


0 min read
Hey folks, SUPER is an art exhibit made by the really nice folks in the Roost Creative. I was invited to work on a Wonder Woman piece for the exhibit a while ago, and just got the video of the opening night. Was pretty cool to see my art on a wall and having my name be mentioned in there. I also really liked the poster of whoever did the Spawn poster. I'm gonna go check out their art once I'm done writing this. Here's the link to the video if you foks wanna check it out:
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The Red OCT

0 min read
Oh geez I keep forgetting to post about this. :iconClickmon: is holding a murder mystery themed OCT called The Red, and I got to join in as one of the judges. So hey, if you are into into OCTs and for some reason are still following me go now and get cracking on that audition! There's still a month left to apply! :iconthered-oct:"The Red OCT is a 16-man story focused tournament surrounding on murdering NPCs, and your character is tasked to survive and solve these killings. We welcome all types of characters and artists, and especially those who have a knack in the murder mystery genre."
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0 min read
I feel pretty guilty about how little i've beeen uploading here, so i thought I'd do a kiriban for the 50,000th pageview. First time I do this, so I'm not even sure if people still do those. But I think it's simple enough, right? Oh gosh I don't even know. In any case, gimme a screencap to prove you are the one who got the 50,000th pageview and tell me what you want for the free commission. Depending on how cool the idea is I might be willing to do something colored or add stuff to it. On other news my wife and I got to meet Skottie Young and his bud CB Cebulski this weekend. These guys are pretty cool and Skottie sure knows how to get a r...
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Profile Comments 386

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Sourdend's avatar
Saw your post on Tumblr and I gotta say, you have some amazing talent!

Here, take a llama.
ink-imp's avatar
Thanks. Just saw yer page header with the Lee and Clementine btw. My wife and I just started playing the games. Seemed like the only way to get her into the Walking dead hehe.
mad-arts's avatar
keep rockin' man!
DapperNoir's avatar
Happy Birthday Nicolas! Hope you had a great day and wish you a very kickass year as well, Hope you keep rocking as always !
ink-imp's avatar
hole, man Gracias! pero y eso, casi ni te reconocí en esta cuenta. Especialmente solo escribiendo en ingles. Que me cuenta viejo, andas por los Estados Unidos? 
DapperNoir's avatar
Jaja , Para que vea que no le he olvidado!!, pues hombre estube un rato hay por la empresa a una convención de animación en L.A hace unos meses , en el momento ando en colombia igual todavia con la idea de subir hay , sin embargo trabajando duro en diseño de personajes , espero que este bien en atalnta y me encanta que  este cultivando exitos hay arriba!, ojala nos veamos en un futuro cercano 
CarlPearce's avatar
Cheers for the watch. Nice gallery.