Ariels....and a snailIndianadelae on DeviantArt

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Indianadelae's avatar

Ariels....and a snail



Some doodles from a particularly dreary day in Human Gross Anatomy lecture. Now I won't be able to recognize the symptoms of a gallstone. Oh well.

It's a bunch of Ariels (drawn not so Disney-esque, because I think it's fun to spin the characters my way), and a random snail. He just kinda snuck in, I guess.

Also, I invite you to enjoy the smudges and eraser lines, because I was too lazy to clean it up. Anyone who has a problem with that can suck it. ^_^

Ariel belongs to Disney, of course. I say that because I can't afford to be sued.
Image size
1000x1282px 261.07 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Indianadelae
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Xxpink-dragonflyxX's avatar
i love the way her hair curles on the one on the right xDDD

there really go0od !!!