What is this shit?

2 min read

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Inarium's avatar
I've just come back to DA after a few months from not logging in and I'm incredibly frustrated.

Since I've been gone I've been working on my art to make it better and decided I am going to delete just about everything and start again. I contemplated making a fresh new account but I don't think it's worth it with having to get watchers all over again, and simply because I am now hating on DA.

I don't know about anyone else but personally I think the whole usuability of DA has turned to shit, here I was swearing at my screen trying to find the buttons and shit to modify my gallery and whatnot. I'm seriously considering just giving up, which is a shame, even though this particular account is only a year and a half old I have been on DA for much longer than that. I've been through many changes, and often it takes a while to adjust but you everntually get used to it.

But now I have also realised that in my absence, DA seems to have grown riduculously money hungry. If I want to stop clicking on pictures to enlarge them I have to get a subscription? WTF, once upon a time that was free, what a stupid thing to do.

I'm sorry Deviantart, but this is bullshit, you used to be amazing, now you've lowered yourself, I'm staying because there's some great artists here.... but there's also a lot of shit on here too.


I created a new account. At the moment it's just photography, but eventually I'll include paintings and possibly drawings that I think are good enough.

New account:


© 2011 - 2025 Inarium
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Morphador's avatar
You could just update your journal that you have moved... Keep everything the same on here & Link your journal to your new account :aww: I've had friends do it all before~