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Lilith Le Morte
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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (30)
My Bio

name: Marissa Ashcraft
age: 22
hometown: Irvine, CA
hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Drawing and Cosplay

Current Residence: The Bubble- Irvine,CA
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Small
Favourite genre of music: Various
Favourite photographer: EBK and Godhi
Favourite style of art: all kinds!
Operating System: PC
MP3 player of choice: my iPod
Shell of choice: depleted uranium
Wallpaper of choice: the padding in my bedroom
Skin of choice: human....mmm
Favourite cartoon character: Snow White
Personal Quote: \\

Favourite Visual Artist
far too many to fit in this little typing area
Favourite Movies
Star Trek, Pirates Trilogy, LotR Triglogy and Underworld 1 and 2
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Evanescence, HIM, Nightwish, Hikari Utada, Kumi Koda
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allen Poe and Emily Dickinson
Favourite Games
Super Smash Bros Brawl, Wario Ware" Smooth Moves, Dead or Alive 4
Favourite Gaming Platform
x-box 360 and the Wii
Tools of the Trade
anything and everything (im serious, i used eyeliner once)
Other Interests
Cosplay, Singing and Voice Acting
I am:[x]short,under 5′4'' [ ] 5′4″-5′6″ [ ] 5′6.5″-5'8″ [ ] 5′8.5'' – 5′10" [ ] 5′10.5″ – 6′0'' [ ] tall, 6′1'' and upNaturally:[ ] blonde [ ] dirty blonde [ ] strawberry blonde [ ] redhead [ ] mousey brown [ ]brunette [x] dark brown [ ] black[ ] short hair [x] medium hair [ ] long hairAnd:[ ] blue-eyed [ ] blue/gray-eyed [ ] silver/gray- eyed [ ] green-eyed [ ] green/gray-eyed [ ] hazel-eyed [ ] gold/brown-eyed [ ] amber [x] brown-eyed [ ] black-eyedI have:[ ] glasses [x] contacts [ ] neitherAnd I am age:[ ] 13 or younger [ ] 14-16 [ ] 17-19 [ ] 20-22 [x] 23-25 [ ] 26 or olderMy body is:[ ] thin [ ] thick [x] curvy [ ] chubby [x] toned [ ...
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I Never...

0 min read
I have never: things with an (X) are things i havent done1. Had a threesome. (X) 2. Been drunk. 3. Touched a real gun. (X) 4. Done drugs. (X) 5. Wrote on a bathroom stall. (X) 6. Took "naughty" pictures of myself. 7. Had sex. 8. Got into a fist fight. 9. Used Twitter. 10. Listened to Lady Gaga. 11. Been in a car accident. 12. Gotten suspended. 13. Gotten expelled. (X) 14. Got a computer virus. (X) 15. Had a hand-written diary. 16. Been allergic to something. 17. Had a dog. 18. Had a cat. 19. Been pregnant. 20. Had a pregnancy scare. 21. Had unprotected sex. 22. Camped out. 23. Swam in the ocean. 24. Wore a bikini. (X) 25. Meet someone onli...
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1. What was your first cosplay? Kagome Higurashi from Inuyasha at Anime Expo 20052. Did someone get you into cosplay? Or on your own? my best friend Amanda, she dragged me to AX as Kagome when she went as Sango3. What is your favorite cosplay? Snow White, cause well its the only one where i dont need an itchy wig :D4. Which is your least favorite cosplay? Schrodinger, i wore it once cause i needed a millenium cosplay and as much fun as it was being a nazi catboy it wasnt worth the tights chaffing and the binding falling down5. At conventions, do people compliment you on your cosplays? sometimes, but most of the time no since i dont cosplay...
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Profile Comments 248

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MrJechgo's avatar
Happy B-Day ^_^
MrJechgo's avatar
Happy B-Day ^_^
MrJechgo's avatar
Happy B-Day ^_^
Crisantemo's avatar
Thank you so so much for the fav - and also for visiting me - :hug: :love: :dance: 
sunshishi's avatar
Thank you for faving my magnolia dress design :hug:
InaraFirefly's avatar
GoddessKalypso's avatar
Thanks for the :+fav:~!