Current Residence: Novi Sad , Serbia Favourite genre of music: Favourite style of art: Macro , still objects , weird angles , high contrast... vivid colors , Lights ! Operating System: Win 7 MP3 player of choice: My mobile
Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
B13 , Fight Club , Grandma's Boy , Snatch ...
Favourite TV Shows
House M.D. , Sons of Anarchy ...
Favourite Games
Assassins Creed Series , Fallout Series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Nikon D80 , Photoshop
Other Interests
Parkour , extreme sports , photography , Art , video games ^^
I made a dA portfolio ... its basically the same thing as this gallery but with my chosen favorites
so yeah ... check it outFriends :
:iconent4ry: :iconchevsy: :iconvbagi: :iconzim-ns: :iconwoodeedoo: :iconlaslolf: :icondoroteasanto: