Advanced Bloodlines: Mistimbelossien on DeviantArt

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imbelossien's avatar

Advanced Bloodlines: Mist



Kimimaro and Haku, because they are two most tragic, most beautiful (and this is not in the fangirling sense) characters in the series. They are just so elegant. Even when they fight. Their cahracter designs too. So I couldn't help but put the plum-ish blossoms around as well (Goukii insists they're plums :p). The blossoms are referenced from Yami no Matsuei, because Masushita-sensei draws teh best flowers in the world.

They are both Mist ninja. They are both members of Advanced Bloodlines. They are both tragic even more so because they are used as "instruments" by their "precious persons". And they willingly let themselves be used anyway. T_T *kicks Orochimaru and Zabuza in teh groin.* *kicks Orochimaru three times as hard in the same place*

-> 2HB lead on white drawing paper
-> "Hoshi no Suna" by Gackt
Image size
657x844px 607.78 KB
© 2005 - 2025 imbelossien
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Meikoe's avatar
So beautiful! They look amazing! I agree though, their stories are so sad, and their character designs are excellent. :)