Black Books OC - Lizzy Katzenjammer by Imaginatorin4D, literature
Black Books OC - Lizzy Katzenjammer
Since there are not any more fanart of the most underrated British sitcom Black Books, so I'll deicide to do this.
Lizzy "Liz" Katzenjammer Portrayed by: Naomi Scott
Age: 7-10 (Original), 31 (Black Books: Chapter Two)
Family: Fran Katzenjammer (aunt), Mr. Katzenjammer (father), Mrs. Katzenjammer (mother), Fran's grandmother (great-grandmother), Fran's grandfather (great-grandfather), Granma (cousin-once-removed), Fredrick Katzenjammer (cousin-once-removed), Martina Katzenjammer (cousin-once-removed), Fredrick Katzenjammer (cousin-once-removed)Personality: Energetic, inquisitive, kind-hearted, mature, sensitive, aloof (sometimes), aggressive, optimistic, clumsy, responsible, sympathetic, empathetic, indecisive, inattentive, amiable
Her parents visited Black Books where they met Bernard, Manny, and Fran for the first time. Mrs. Katzenjammer wants Bernard to make sure that Lizzy stays positive and organizing Black Books without any issues, much to his annoyance. But Mr.
Shaun of the Dead characters with last names by Imaginatorin4D, literature
Shaun of the Dead characters with last names
Since any character doesn't have last name in Shaun of the Dead, so I deicide to give them last names.
Shaun Riley
Ed Dawson
Barbara Riley
Liz Stone
Dianne Webley
David Wainwright
Pete Kenneth
Philip Hatcher
Yvonne Fox
Noel Copper
Declan Popper
Cousin Tom Wright
Maggie Hunter