5 Years of Is8ImaginationStudios8 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/imaginationstudios8/art/5-Years-of-Is8-978353585ImaginationStudios8

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5 Years of Is8




5 years ago on this day, a 13 year old Is8 decided to start her very own DeviantArt, following the footsteps of her idols. From then on, her art had its own little eras on here, to what we now know today. I can't be grateful enough for the time I've spent here with all of you guys, and all the support over the years. It's crazy to believe it's been so long since I first started, back when I was quite literally weeks away from starting 8th grade. It truly does show how far I've come honestly. 13 year old me would be astonished by all the friends I have, all the beautiful fanart and fanfiction you guys send me that I always pour over and save, and of course, just all around still being here with such wonderful support. Thank you all for 5 years of absolute fun and chaos (and imagination of course haha), and here's to more to come. :)

Onto the artwork, I thought it would be fun to recreate some of my past art styles. From 2018 me, to 2019 me, to 2020 me, 2021, and of course 2022/2023. And yes, I couldn't resist adding my signatures to each respective piece as they were at the time. It was definitely fun to draw in some of these styles again. They aren't super perfect, I can't exactly replicate art I made on my old Nextbook tablet with my laptop, but I think they don't need to be. My art is never really perfect per say, and I think that's a beautiful thing. ^^
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Es interesante como fue tu desarrollo desde hace 5 años hasta la actualidad🕓 . Saludos.