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Deviation Spotlight

some other eden by imagesse, visual art

Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (92)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Trick-or-Treat: Someone thought you deserved a treat! (1)
Bleeding Heart: Your passion is an inspiration! (1)
My Bio

I take photographs simply because I want to capture moments of beauty. My work with models revolves around artistic nudes. The human body, in particular the female form, is the most beautiful subject there is; a wonderful canvas that can project so many moods and emotions. Clearly, this is a theme that has inspired art for the last 2500 years, so I realise I'm not the first to reach this conclusion!

I prefer to work with available light, predominantly at outdoor locations. I'm fascinated by the emotional & physical contrast offered by so many natural and man made settings. I love the spontaneity of working outside, the inspiration that can be drawn from amazing locations and the fact that every shoot is different; the setting, theme, model and weather all come together to create a unique set of conditions that hopefully come through in the pictures.

I research shoot locations carefully in order to find interesting and original places to shoot; sometimes this is based on an idea or concept that requires a certain location. Alternatively it is the location that suggests a concept. I'm interested in the atmosphere and story that a place has to tell, this can suggest a strong narrative to explore in a series of images. With that in mind I have put together a library of terrific locations over the years, most of which are here in the south west. The rugged beauty of Dartmoor is a special place to me. I relish the physical and mental freedom offered by such wilderness areas.

Similarly I love working by the sea, in particular the land revealed between the tides: a place of dramatic rock formations, incredible colours and textures, caves and caverns along the ocean shore. Equally, I am fascinated by standing stones and stone circles, settings that link us humans to an ancient past, when we enjoyed a stronger connection to the earth and the natural world. My 'studio' also includes a host of ruined buildings - old mines, follies, abbeys and even derelict industrial settings all provide regular fuel for my imagination.

When the weather prevents outdoor work, I do enjoy indoor figure studies, again mainly using natural light for the softness this lends to an image. For me the simplicity of this approach, without complicated props or backgrounds, just working with light and shade, is an appropriate response to the pure beauty of the subject.

I sometimes offer paid shoots to experienced art nude models who can demonstrate a high degree of creativity and originality in their posing and who will add something special to my portfolio. For models with less experience of art nude work, I am more likely to offer a shoot on a TFCD basis. In either case it is essential that the model really enjoys the experience; whether money is involved or not, the aim is an artistically rewarding creative collaboration. So I'm happy to hear from intelligent, intuitive women with a positive outlook on life and who share my aspirations.

Current Residence: Exeter, UK
Favourite genre of music: None - my tastes are very eclectic
Favourite photographer: Ansel Adams, Edward Weston, Bill Brandt
Favourite style of art: Architecture
Operating System: Mac
MP3 player of choice: iPhone
Personal Quote: "We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars" - Oscar Wilde, who else

Favourite Visual Artist
Andy Goldsworthy, Anthony Gormley, Frank Lloyd Wright, Rodin, Van Gogh
Favourite Movies
Casablanca, Dr Zhivago, Schindler's List, The Green Mile, Life of Brian, Gladiator, Rebecca
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Crowded House, Beatles, Oceanlab, Loudon Wainwright, Sibelius, Pink Floyd, Federico Aubele
Favourite Writers
Tennyson, Wordsworth, Shakespeare, Douglas Adams, Frank McCourt, Tony Parsons
Tools of the Trade
Insatiable curiosity
Other Interests
Motorbikes, making music, malt whiskey, misbehaving
Just added a few images from my first proper outdoor shoot of the summer, featuring the stunning Lorelai!
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Here are a few samples from my first shoot of 2017, featuring the stunning natural beauty of Lola Fae.  We spent a lovely day working at an old mansion, moving around to follow the light...., such a pleasure!
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Here are a set of images from a shoot I enjoyed last year with the wonderful creative chameleon who is Natural Happy Girl.  Amazingly, we first worked together 10 years ago, since then NHG has established herself as one of the premier fine art models...
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Profile Comments 158

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The-Artists-Eyes's avatar

What a spectacularly beautiful portfolio. My highest compliments!

skycladarts's avatar
Many Happy Returns.... a couple of days early! :ahoy: :cake:
Wytherwing's avatar
:) outstanding gallery! :+devwatch:
imagesse's avatar
Thank you kindly!
Wytherwing's avatar
;) it's my pleasure!
skycladarts's avatar
Happy Birthday! :ahoy:
imagesse's avatar
Thank you kindly!