average pay rates for comic book artists: by johnchalos, journal
average pay rates for comic book artists:
"Generally, the good graphic novels fetch $100 - $300 per page, although professionals who have been in the industry for a long time can command as much as three times that amount. In fact, one elite illustrator commanded as much as $1,000 a page (on a 22-page comic book)! Most of the popular titles that artists, like David Cassaday, work on are monthly issues, which end up providing him with a six-figure salary. The back-end royalties on merchandise, trade paperbacks and movie royalties are also generous."http://www.freelancewriting.com/articles/how-to-become-a-comic-book-artist.php"In 2008, Sean Jordan, founder of Army Ant Publishing, cl...
Tiger Stripes on KickStarter by feliciacano, journal
Tiger Stripes on KickStarter
A game I worked on is currently being KickStarted:
www.kickstarter.com/projects/g… If you are interested, please order your copy now. It is a fun math game for kids designed by Isabel DuBarry when she was 6. I did all the art in the game.
I am really proud of this project and I hope it gets funded.Here are some of the illustrations:
More artwork to come....Facebook: