Summer is gone & leaves are slowly falling.
Long time without a new Journal EntryFirst DevianArt collaboration:
--------------------------------I met Sara :iconrosa-mistero: in Paris in August, she's really a sweetheart, that week-end together was really a dream, from that meeting::thumb139863801: :thumb139863613: :thumb139863244:October featured deviation:
-----------------------------One of our deviation has been choosen by :icondarkfashionshow: as October featured deviation, of course we are very proud of that.
Winner deviation::thumb133126941:Several of our shots were featured:
--------------------------------------:iconfalcona: Goth...
June Entry Small journal to say "Hi" & "Thanks for your support" Featured by or inspired following people Thanks for the featuring dudes, glad to see you enjoying our work or to see you have been inpired by our work: :iconIsje: See: :iconFreeLove08: See: :icondjRimzi: See: :iconSenderosolvidados: See: :iconinmysolitude43: See: Where are you coming from...: Come on guys make your flag be on the top of ...
Over 25K pageviews I just saw this account reached & is over 25000 pageviews.
Thanks to you all watchers, faves, models. We have been featured by Thanks for the featuring dudes, glad to see you enjoying our work: :thumb116293603: featured by :devrav777: :thumb69569282: featured by :devDarkFashionShow: :thumb80365797: featured by :devDarkFashionShow: :thumb77309580: featured by :devDarkFashionShow: :thumb77405031: featured by :devDarkFashionShow: :thumb73893982: featured by :devDarkFashionShow: :thumb73571537: featured by :devDarkFashionShow: Where are you coming from...: Come on guys make your flag be on the top of the first column ...
Hey there Q u Q I'm a lolita from Brazil and Im currently on a contest and I really need your help to get to the final. All you need to do is to like my facebook picture. Would mean the world to me if you voted thank you very much
hello Luis si tu veux voir le résultat final :[link] (merci encore, à toi et Sophie ) Et au cas ou ça vous interesse, il y a deux exemplaires pour vous...offerts , ça va sans dire