The return of KopaILOVEKOVU on DeviantArt

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The return of Kopa



Nala was standing on top of Pride Rock, waiting for one of her youngest daughters,"Sierra" to return after finding help for their Pride. She happened to look ahead and saw an orange male lion coming their way. She figured it may be Simba but then thought wrong, remembering that he had died from illness. The male began walking up the rock, Nala growled and jumped in front of him,stopping him in his tracks.

Nala: (Frowns) "Who are you stranger? You don't belong here, unless my daughter has sent you for help!"

Kopa: (Smiles) "Mother, its me...Kopa!"

Nala : (Lifts up an eyebrow with confusion) "Kopa? cant died years ago.....".

Sierra: (Stands on Nala's side along with Kiara) " It is him mother, he's alive and here to save us all!"

Nala: (Smiles at Kopa and gives him an hug) "Oh Kopa, I've missed you!".

Kopa: (Smiles) "Im never leaving you guys!".

Base: Tytos(C)
Nala and Kopa: Disney(C)
Image size
962x534px 328.79 KB
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