Cincinnati Flames Mascot Blaze the CatIlovefallingcows25 on DeviantArt

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Ilovefallingcows25's avatar

Cincinnati Flames Mascot Blaze the Cat



I made a new art of Blaze the Cat as a giantess where she wears the same black heels as my Cincinnati Queens poodle mascot Queenie with the firey feline getting a jersery as she is mascot of the Cincinnati Flames which Blaze is glad since her fans get fired up when she cheers for the team where she smiles at me with a happy look on her face where she gently stomps around the city with Queenie and Priscilla where they have chats of which teams would join the Sonic League which the giant lavender cat is very happy and glad where she smiles over and thanked me for giving her a team that she is a giant mascot too but she is really glad that she looks cute adorable and big along with her friendly nice gentle kind polite side along with her seeing them by her big black heels with the big cat smiling with her fans seeing her use her fire powers to make flames in order to make fireworks for them where they see her and applaused for the fireworks where the big cat smiles and purrs with a happy look on her face she even has a bond with Drizzle who is the same size as her as she is the mascot of the Indianapolis Rains which the big dog uses water powers to make everyone happy with Blaze happy to see her as a big friend including Rouge and Bleu the bat sisters who are the same size as them but as the Louisville Jewels where they both are mascots too along with Zephyr who is the giant bat mascot of the Louisville Gems but has a bond with Queenie since the 2 of them are best friends where they like each other and chat along with the 4 other giantess mascots about some great things they do for their fans too
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1507x1909px 118.13 KB
© 2021 - 2025 Ilovefallingcows25
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Coolweegee's avatar

Wow nice and the outfit suit blaze