Ilonica's avatar


220 Watchers63 Deviations
Hello, those who follow me! Already very, very soon  (in a couple of minutes in my country) will begin the famous inktober.  And this year I will take part in it for the first time! I will try to stick to the official list and perform assignments every day. I think it will be fun! ^_^
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Bunny Emoji-88 (Hello) [V5], dear friends and my favorite watch! F2U: Pink Neko Blob Icon For a long time I wanted to tell on DeviantArt about my work in MMD.F2U: Greenish Neko Blob Icon  Here's one of them.Neko Emoji-29 (Nyaa) [V2]   Dear Hatsune Miku sings you a song! [ Icon ] Hatsune Miku 
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swiss roll by silkanidePuddin by silkanidefood by silkanidepink cake by silkanidePuddin by silkanideswiss roll by silkanide
   Spring fairy by Ilonica

  Wing (left) by King-Lulu-Deer  Love Planet by King-Lulu-DeerSolar System by King-Lulu-DeerSpaceship by King-Lulu-DeerJupiter by King-Lulu-DeerUFO by King-Lulu-DeerSaturn by King-Lulu-DeerNeptune by King-Lulu-Deer  Wing (right) by King-Lulu-Deer

Ilonica | 16 | Female

Cloud - wiggly welcome - F2U by Sila--Chan

Welcome to my page! My name is Ilonica and I'm 16 years old.

I started painting from the very childhood and continue to this day.

   I would be glad if you start following my work   

F2U pixel stuff by Alyssdream
Bunny Emoji-71 (Hello Hi) [V4] Hamtaro Mouse Emoji-03 (Squee) [V1] Kawaii Mouse (Being Kawaii) [V1] Hamtaro Mouse Emoji-02 (Kawaii) [V1]   Neko Emoji-41 - (Kawaii Waving) [V3] F2U: Bright Orange Neko Blob Icon 

Soft clouds by Sila--Chan Collage-clipart-butterfly-pink-5 by IlonicaSoft clouds by Sila--Chan

Watermelon Stamp by Kezzi-Rose

        Pride Shooting Star by King-Lulu-Deer  Comision Cloud - closed part - F2U by Sila--Chan   

Pride Shooting Star by King-Lulu-Deer  Trades Cloud - closed part - F2U by Sila--Chan

  Pride Shooting Star by King-Lulu-Deer  Request Cloud - closed part - F2U by Sila--Chan

  Pride Shooting Star by King-Lulu-Deer  Kiriban Cloud - open part - F2U by Sila--Chan

Фиолетовые кристаллы ЛакримонаI'm on other sites:Фиолетовые кристаллы Лакримона

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Untitled by Ilonica

This fairy named Lira (as well as called the constellation). It does not immediately appear in my story, but immediately makes a good impression on everyone! Among the fairies, she is one of the strongest and very warlike, but at the same time, in ordinary life, playful and unthinking. She often carries a teddy bear with her, although she is already 16 years old!
You probably thought she was a plant protector? And here not! She is a fairy of light - as bright as a star)

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Феи - мои любимые персонажи. Мне нравится писать о них и писать сказки. Но можете ли вы в конце рассмотреть мою историю сказкой? Сначала все было красиво и мило. Как будто в пустоте образовалось целое царство! Феи и эльфы жили там в дружбе и порядке. Их королевой была Керла, самая первая фея. Вскоре колония фей часто двигалась и раскололась пополам. О феях лесов и жизни на «несуществующем острове» я не буду фокусироваться, но оставшиеся достигают многих успехов и прогресса! Но об этом в следующий раз ...Untitled by Ilonica

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Welcome to my page! by Ilonica, journal

Acquaintance with the new fairy by Ilonica, journal

Kingdom of fairies, fairy tales and stories by Ilonica, journal