DANK CREW ョ悪ヨ :Iconmorgothzeone666:
:Icondistractthemonster: :Iconwolfblade111:
:Iconextinct-doodles: :Iconpropertyoflamb:
:Iconchrisbennettsonic: :Iconmesiasart: :Iconxxphantomfoxxx: :Iconhugepokemonfan: :Iconthatguyknownasdio: :Iconredjet00: :Iconreaper1954:
:Iconpredatorrex2002: :Iconplusout: :Icondragonveteren: :IconYukiNitta: :Iconxxxmayuchanxxx:
:Iconyamochan: :Iconpeketar: :Iconaster-effect:
:Iconunartisticfox: :Iconnjdragon98:
:Iconsupersairaptor: :Iconfallenatlantis: :Iconmegaali: :Iconwsyl: :Iconlookatallthekitties: :Iconzachman8: :Iconhns98:
:Iconpony1138: :Iconkiruq:
:Iconelang-pai: :Iconwarhammer40koc: :Iconplutiafan: :Iconpastastuckgemileo: :Icontj-mystic:
Hello~ im Illya nice to meet ye~
I'm a anime and dinosaur lover~
i make lots of pics of dinos an anime
well i try to anyway lol
i would like to be come an anime animator or something like that one day Idk how but i'll be damned if i don't try ! lol
My other account i kinda uses lolillya-umaru173.deviantart.com/
Hi Illya! Its been a long while but I hope you're doing good and doing alright out there too. Take care, my fellow Dinosaur Kaiju fan friend ^v^ Rwar!
thanks for all t he faves owob
^w^ np