so folks, sorry i havent been on here in some time. life has been kinda crazy and hasnt allowed me the table time ive wanted, but i am back on the grind and producing comics and fun images!! ive been in the industry for 7 years now and through the ups and downs im still loving this art thing, i am open again to commissions but am not doing as many anymore. im focusing mainly on sequentials, especially my own projects for heavy metal magazine and more. ive been hard at work these past couple years and there will be more books coming out shortly!! so the wait and hard work was worth every minute of stress! heres to creating art and comics, and loving it! message me with any commission requests if you have any, and hopefully ill be posting more work here shortly!! thanks to everyone for support and sticking by me through my rough days, i love all you guys and hope to someday repay all the support and love!
Current Residence: seattle, washington
deviantWEAR sizing preference: xl
Favourite genre of music: trojan reggae, oi, classics, anything old school! queens of the stone age, the small faces, toots and the maytals, nick cave and the bad seeds, etc.
Favourite photographer: many
Favourite style of art: mixed media
Operating System: some p.o.s.
Skin of choice: tattooed skin!!
Favourite cartoon character: dr. zoidberg, brock samson
Personal Quote: this aint my first rodeo!!!!