Adyllreyn AzurahIlludyr on DeviantArt

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Adyllreyn Azurah



I'm going to support *Dark1lady in her mission to make pagasi more accepted and popular in the harpg group
I'm sorry if it bothers someone and if you want to call me a copycatter because I "copied dark1lady's idea" and stuff like that,
go on! I just think she's got a point when she says that pegasi should be more accepted then they are now because they "have advantage"
so no, my intentions are not to be a copy catter, but to help fight for the rights of pegasi :d
The symbol on her leg is the symbol for Unity of diversity, I think it suits the reason she was created :)

so this is Adyllreyn Azurah, Azur for short

Official name: Adyllreyn Azurah
Barn name: Azur, Azurah
Age: 6
Breed: Random Pegasus
Gender: Mare
Height: 1.78m (17.5HH)
Color: Seal Bay with Splash markings, Blue eye (on the brown yes)
Genetics: Ee At nSpl
Dicipline: Allround
Image size
2000x3000px 5.39 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Illudyr
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