Happy 21st birthday to RaymanIllegal-D on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/illegal-d/art/Happy-21st-birthday-to-Rayman-634066725Illegal-D

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Illegal-D's avatar

Happy 21st birthday to Rayman



I'm so late, tehehe,I'm so sorry. :XD: I haven't forseen something would slow down my drawing process...
It took me time to decide to upload this drawing or not, but I liked the idea of how Bubble Dreamer made muscular arms to Rayman from bubbles, so that's why our limbless is happy and shows off here. : P
Happy belated birthday, Rayman! :aww:

Rayman, Bubble Dreamer © Ubisoft
Image size
1200x960px 938 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Illegal-D
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InvisibleCreatures's avatar
I love this so much! Rayman & the Bubble Dreamer look awesome, and I love how you used the bubbles for Rayman's 'muscles'. Plus, the interaction between them is just adorable! Definitely shows their personalities and relationship! Who would have thought that Polokus had the power to shrink people so he can hold them in the palm of his hand? So cute!! :heart: