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Ildwins's avatar

Gray wolf



Little brochure I made for an event.
It depicts a wildlife animal with some interesting (maybe infamous) facts (in slovak language).

Sometimes, during difficult seasons when there's little food, gray wolfs hunt more than they can actually eat and instead of killing the prey, they just hurt it enough so it can't escape. After few days they return to hurt prey and kill it to have a fresh meat.

Follow on: Instagram , Behance , Vimeo
Image size
1500x793px 2.29 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Ildwins
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Izvin's avatar
And blood flows down the page fro carcass and little droplets cover it, nice touch. But I like te running wolves the best. And hats off to the way you draw skulls.
Also, not surprised they go around hurting prey just to be sure. Around 8/10 of hunts are unsuccesful, so...