Kylos Adelphi - Reference SheetIl-Luna on DeviantArt

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Kylos Adelphi - Reference Sheet



Name: Kylos Adelphi
Age: 22
Race: Human
Height: 6'2"
Class: Military

A stoic and dangerous general of the Chrinellis military who's lived on the castle grounds since age 15. Prior to his military service, he lived as a vagrant on the streets since birth, moving from city to city and stealing what was needed. After moving to the capital city of Chrinellis and successfully eluding the guards for several years, he was finally hunted down and forcibly drafted into the military where he's remained ever since. As he's been on the streets since birth, his family, origins, and lineage are all a complete mystery. The only clue is the surname, which was written on a tag found with him as an infant.

Due to his major achievements during the Chrinellis-Aphelion War, including the first employment of guerilla tactics in a formal war, he was able to ascend through the ranks astoundingly quickly with his more hands-on leadership approach. He's gone from vehemently disliked to mostly well-received by the rest of the military after his contributions, and is a personal friend of Illuna's, although they've grown apart after the end of the war.

His incredibly aloof demeanor is not a natural personality quirk but rather a product of strict military training, involving completely separating from one's emotions in order to hone in on fighting skill. Through these great lengths of detachment he's been able to become one of the best killing machines in the military, although nobody is quite sure what the mental reprocussions of such repression are...

Kylos is a born leader who seeks out the most efficient, if not least formal, way of instructing and managing his division, specializing in guerilla warfare and tactics surrounding that. He is a confident and ruthless fighter, freely taking challenges of his authority from others. He also has an impressive yet questionable amount of stamina, allowing him to reach physical levels normally unreachable by the average soldier. However, he has an unshakable amount of loyalty to the royal family, which is what had him elected to be one of Illuna's guardians on the Keybearer journey.


Welp he was voted for so I did him next! :D He was kind of the next in line to be done anyway xP I'm not too sure who I'll be doing next, possibly Lisha since she was the next voted for, and I've been drawing a lot of y chromosomes lately =u=;
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alexia478's avatar
that's soooo awesome sis im gonna color just like u =]