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"I caught you gazing at Stan's ass again, fat ass!"

"I did not, you sneaky Jew! I was looking at his stupid pink belt because I thought it looked stupid and gay on him."

"Yeah, right. You were checking out on him."

"But I didn't, Kahl. Stan is not my type, you are.

"I-I don't believe that one second."

"It's true, my pretty jealous Jew. You're my little monster, remember? I have always admired and loved you, Kahl, and no one can replace you. I don't like Stan like that and he's with that ho', so why would I check out on him when I have you with me in this special room."

Kyle sighed and pressed his head on Cartman's shoulder, intertwining their fingers on the bed sheets. He felt so relived and happy hearing those emotional words from his boyfriend, hearing his truth and honest feelings he has had for him since elementary school. It felt great to Kyle.

Kyle smiled, sighing heavily in the dark bedroom. "Thank you for being completely honest, Eric. I guess I was--"

"Jealous? Scared? Thinking I would dump you for Stan even though he's totally straight and has a girlfriend?"

Kyle punched Eric on the arm, smirking. "I guess you can say I was all three. And maybe I was a little paranoid seeing you looking at Stan's belt, I just couldn't--"

"KAHL! Chill the fuck out, alright? I was just looking at the stupid belt; not Stan. You do not need to worry about me cheating on you. I already told you you were my monster, didn't I? Jesus, you are so emotional and sensitive sometimes."

Kyle opened his mouth and then closed it. Cartman was right, Kyle needs to chill out.

"You're right, Eric. Thank you for loving me." Kyle said as he plant a warm, tender kiss on the brown haired teen.

Cute fluffy Kyman. How I miss writing this crazy couple :lol:
A random oneshot with no plot :3 
© 2015 - 2025 IKyman

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darossZ's avatar
awww...¡¡ <333