Next Gen CMCiJessiePone on DeviantArt

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iJessiePone's avatar

Next Gen CMC



Bios from left to right:

Name: Lightning Speeder
Type: Pegasus
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Father: Rumble
Mother: Scootaloo
Other Family: Blossom Rise (Cousin), Swift Wing (Cousin), Dashing Prism (Cousin), (Will add more later.)
 Likes: Aunt Dash, her friends
Dislikes: Slowpokes
Personality: Brave and confident.

Name: Spotty Ribbon
Type: Earthpony
Race: Earthpony
Gender: Female
Father: Pipsqueak
Mother: Applebloom
Other Family: (Will add later.)
Likes: Apples and ribbons.
Dislikes: Diamond Moonstone
Personality: Fun

Name: Treble Aura
Type: Unicorn
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Father: Button Mash
Mother: Sweetie Belle
Other Family: (Will add later.)
Magic power: 67%
Likes: Fashion and singing
Dislikes: Mud
Personality: Happy-go lucky pony

Please be mature to the artist.
You may not: Make a base out of the picture, upload the picture on your account, alter the picture, re-colouring etc...

Lightning, Spotty and Treble (C) :iconshimmerdraws:
Base by :iconphoenixbases:
MLP (C) Hasbro

Image size
1372x628px 38.07 KB
© 2015 - 2025 iJessiePone
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JeannieHobbes's avatar
Alternet Dialogue:

Speeder: And that is how sex REALLY works!

Spotty: .....

Treble: What the...?