Ignis-and-Rant's avatar


Reality is what you imagine
855 Watchers522 Deviations
  • Jan 1
  • Poland
  • Deviant for 3 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (388)
Nice Shot: Nice shot! (1)
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (6)
Gold Bar: Someone thinks you’re golden! (8)
Gold Fragment: You went for the gold, and you got it!
My Bio

Truth seeker, spiritual lover, IT engineer, AI ally.

All deviations are AI-generated.

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Read, friend, and enter by Ignis-and-Rant, journal

It's more than meets the eye

Seven keys to happiness by Ignis-and-Rant, journal

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Only your thoughts matter by Ignis-and-Rant, journal

Profile Comments 162

anonymous's avatar
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Atrozan's avatar

Hi just dropped by to say thanks for the fave ⭐️ and the badge, cheers! Also thank you so much for your gallery here on DA it's real good and full of wonderful pictures, have an awesome month of March, all the best from Lee&Nat and Maggie May 😊 😀 😺 👍 🇬🇧 ❤️

sycamore17's avatar

Thanks for llama! :D

SkaterBoy-1's avatar

Dude, your gallery is amazing! Every boy in every pic sends you warmth, kindness and love! Thank you!


Ignis-and-Rant's avatar

Thanks! I'm so happy you feel all that love :hug: Believe me, it is quite a challenge to create heartwarming pictures with AI, because it tends to draw rather sad, serious, distanced, gloomy or lustful boys in cliche poses. It requires a lot of effort and hundreds of trials to get a picture which tells the story of close, intimate, positive, open friendship welcoming you into the reality of true creation and adventure. I humbly thank you for your appreciation! :love:

SkaterBoy-1's avatar
jeremygaymes's avatar

Thank you very much for the Gold coin badge on The young scholar #2

The young scholar #2