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495 Deviations

Updates 1/12/15

4 min read
Happy New Year! :D 

I haven't updated here verbally in a while so I thought I would type up a journal as I have been getting more and more watchers! 

First of all, hello new watchers! Thank you for following me on deviantART! 

Next, I want to update with saying I've been working on a game for the past few months and the project is getting close to the final stages of completion for my work. I can talk a lil bit about what I've been doing. I've been doing art from the old Defender's Quest game and updating it for the HD version! 

Here's an article on destructoid.com that has featured my artwork: www.destructoid.com/defender-s… (mine is the after art!)

It's really cool because my artwork has been fandom based for a long time and now it's going beyond! 

With this I've been kind of backlogged on commissions for my fandom followers, so I have been really trucking on that. Only new pics I will be taking on for a while is stream sketch commissions which will only be done on Saturdays. I really don't open much here, so if you are interested in getting a commission, please visit me on FurAffinity! furaffinity.net/user/ifus or to get more up to date updates follow me on twitter @ IfusMoraine.

Other than that, I have been announced as one of the 3 Guests of Honor for Midwest Furfest 2015! Midwest Furfest (MFF for short) has been a convention I've been going to since 2007, it's where I met my husband and where I met my best online friends in person for the first time. It's very special to me and I'm beyond floored and honored to be chosen for them as my first GOH position! I will be doing lots of art for MFF this year and preparing for panels with art tutorials.

I will share them on my Patreon when I am done with them. I may share one or two on here. My Patreon can be found here: Patreon.com/Ifus There's 2 tiers, a $1 tier to get whatever full res files you want from my gallery and a $5 to access a tutorial blog for patrons only, plus any .PSD and large res files you want of my submissions. :)

I also have gotten a few people asking, "When will you update No World for Tomorrow?" I feel it's best I answer it here in a journal so you all know what is going on. I still am definitely planning to finish that comic. It was a senior thesis for me but I didn't know as much as I do now about comics. So I want to revamp some stuff and put what I have and will learn from working on :iconprydwen-comic: (my mentor :iconlynntendo:'s comic!) and put it towards the comic. I know I can do so much better now than back in my college years with artwork, storytelling and design and I really care about the idea so I want to give it a better shot than I did before. So it's on a bit of a hiatus til I can get some more comic experience which is coming up soon! 

Other than that? I have a lot of work I'm doing for Fat Loot Games (fatlootgames.com) after Defender's Quest and going to 3-4 conventions to sell artwork (FurSquared in WI, Furry Weekend Atlanta in GA, possibly Furry Migration in MN, and Midwest Furfest in IL). Let me know if you will be going to those cons! :D

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Posted about it kinda late last night so I thought I'd post a journal during the day. I've been planning this for a while, talking to my mentor, husband and friends about it because I want to do this the right way. I'm not just giving you art in return for supporting me, I want to share my art education knowledge with you and give you goodies I have from my storenvy shop and con merch!

Rewards include:

-PDF full res files of pieces I work on so you can print them out, have wallpapers, etc.
-Access to a Patron Only Tutorial and sketch blog of my studies with notes of what I learned, tutorials of photoshop tricks and tips, painting knowledge, how to use reference, etc will all be in there.
-Thank you package of merch mailed to you after your payment is processed plus all of the above.
-Ability to vote on the next project I work on or tutorial that you want to see.
-Live Streamed Art Classes where I will do live demonstrations for painting and show my process and you can ask questions!
Portfolio Reviews with the help of my mentor :iconlynntendo: who has had 10+ years industry experience (Marvel, Disney, Popcap, her own published comic (Prydwen) and indie game company fatlootgames.com to name a few things)

My first project I will be starting on (since there have been not enough members to vote yet) will be a special spooky video game bar theme to get in the early fall/Halloween spirit!

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I don't have time to thank everyone for all the watches, comments and faves after the DD but thank you so much! I really do appreciate it! I'm happy to be having activity here on my DA page again. It's nice to be back posting and seeing people enjoy my artwork. <3  ;3;

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :)

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Thank you so much to :iconstygma: for suggesting me and :iconkovowolf: for featuring me! I'm very honored to receive this!

I did my before bed checking of my art accounts before bed routine and then I saw a comment about congrats on the DD. I literally screamed in excitement and terrified my husband a bit haha! 

I don't know what else to say, I'm filled with joy and excitement today! :D *happy dances*

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5 min read
:icona-rude-awakening: tagged me!

1) Grab the nearest book to you turn to page 18 and read line 4    
"The forearm bone, the ulna, or the little finger side, measures about one foot from elbow to wrist." -Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life

2.) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you reach?
My headphones.

3.) What is the last thing you watched on TV?
30 Rock. The episode where Kelsey Grammar is in there XD; 

4.) Without looking guess what time it is?

5.) Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
1:27. Maybe I can be a psychic clock XD;

6.) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?

My husband watching TV. He's probably watching House of Cards. 

7.) When did you last step outside? What were you doing?

I went to go get the car from my husband's job because he had a really bad migraine and my brother in law had to drive him home. Leaving me to go get our car. 

8.) Before you started this survey, what did you look at? 

My DA messages xD;

9.) What are you wearing?

Furry Connection North 80's theme t-shirt (a Michigan furry convention that no longer exists), and jeans. 

10.) Did you dream last night?

Yeah, I dreamt about going to Haunted Houses/Attractions. I really miss Halloween haha. 

11.) When did you last laugh?

When I was watching the 30 rock episode where Kesley Grammar was in there XD;

12.) What are on the walls in the room you are in?

Wall color: Yellowish cream? Normal beige apartment color lol
Posters: Prints of art I've commissioned and traded for, a Chicago Field Museum poster, 3 disney posters, I have sonic the hedgehog decals on my walls as well, and 2 Zelda posters. 

13.) Seen anything weird lately?

The weather. Seriously crazy stuff going on right here. 

14.) What do you think of this quiz?

Different than most memes I do, they are mostly about relationship stuff where I just go "MARRIED, I HAVE A CRUSH ON MY HUSBAND" all the way down. XD;

15.) What was the last film you saw?

The Aristocats because I love classic hand drawn animation!

16.) If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

I'd pay off my student loans, get a nice car, get a beach front property out west. Get my family (mine and my in-laws) properties by me so I can always see them. Also buy :iconvintagemuttstudios: a house next door to me. I'd invest the money into charities of my choice and into other things to make more money. I'd also focus on creating personal projects and getting together with indie artists and game developers to just make cool stuff because money isn't an option anymore. :) I'd do whatever it is to be happy with the people that I love around me!

17.) Tell me something about you that I don't know?

I will go to any scary haunted attractions, I will do any haunted house thing, watch any scary movies. But I cannot handle rollercoasters and that g-force. It makes me sick ):

18.) If you could change one thing about the world?

People to be aware of their actions on animals and the planet in general. I'd like people to be more green and wish for all people to care. I'd also love for people to care about themselves and their health. I started losing a lot of weight and feel so great, I would love for everyone that has a weight problem to become aware of what works for them and get to a healthy place. Not for looks, but because I wish I knew what works for me sooner and I want that for everyone. <3

19.) Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?

I don't plan on having children, but Andrea is a nice name. C:

20.) Would you ever consider living abroad?

Yeah! As long as the country's main language is English! I'd love to live in the UK or New Zealand. c: 

21.) What do you want God to say when you reach the pearly gates?

GG bro, no G2. HAHA I'm not funny. (For those that don't know, GG means "good game" and G2 means "game 2".)

22.) Tag six people who must also do this in THEIR journal:

Whomever wants to do this, go ahead XD;

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Updates 1/12/15 by Ifus, journal

Support Me On Patreon- Receive Cool Stuff! by Ifus, journal

Thank you everyone! by Ifus, journal

WOAH a Daily Deviation! :D by Ifus, journal

Tagged! by Ifus, journal