Fallen KnightIFRX on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ifrx/art/Fallen-Knight-823018852IFRX

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Fallen Knight



Fallen grew up in a small village with his parents, a family of farmers known to be nice and humble.
One day, he saw some avalis practicing with some wooden swords and he was so impressed by the moves and the fighting style, that he decided to become a knight too.
Unfortunately he wasn't good at learning and was rejected fast, so he returned to home, feeling sad. One day he found some kind of crystal in some kind of unknow structure and it immediately got merged with his body. The crystal is invisible and only gets visible when he is about to fight.

This crystal gave him extraordinary power but it was worthless without the experience.
Time passed and the technology advanced at such a fast rate, that knights were no longer necessary with all these new kinds of weapon.
One day, while he was training some, a monster surprised him from a bush. He tried to fight back but was defeated very easily. Fortunately he was saved by some kind of being with black clothes. Fallen was impressed at how easy that being defeated the beast and asked it to train him. The being accepted and trained him, teaching him moves that nobody else knew.
After a time Fallen asked the name of the being and he said " Call me I".
Some days later some kind of interdimensional beast attacked the the city and everything was lost when the beast destroyed that universe with Fallen's family. He survived thanks to I, by traveling into another universe. After this Fallen wanted to fight to protect the weak and for justice. I upgraded Fallen's weapons and armor with higher technology.
One day he found another kingdom during one of his travels with I and he liked the place, so he decided to stay. I gave him a giant sword capable of open interdimensional weapons as a last gift and said goodbye to Fallen.
Now he lives a little more happier however the loss of his family still affects him.

Gender: Male
Likes: Travel, Music, Sing sometimes
Dislikes, Injustice, Rude people
Mood: He is very kind and friendly but can fast change to a serious mood when he requires to fight
Special Armor Features:
Electrical Shock
Acid Immunity
Own air tank with recycler

Egg adopted from: www.furaffinity.net/user/eisen…
Image size
1280x670px 152.11 KB
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Cherrysnakecat's avatar
wow! fantastic design.