well, thanks very much for the kind words, first of all! i mostly use the regular hard round brush and the regular soft round brush for everything. sure, there are custom brushes that does hair, but you don't really need them. start with a big brush and work in layers, more and more details. it's all about blending colours when it comes to skin, change the opacity on your brush to about 20% and mix colours until you find the one you want. google the artists Sycra Yashin and Matt Kohr, and watch all of their videos. they are great and very educational. (i also link to them in my journal.) i also keep a sketchbook with me at all times - i have three! - so that whenever i'm on the bus or whatever i can practice. i don't really know how to do a tutorial though, since my paintings take such a long time to paint and there's soooo much happening at all times. like, i work a little bit on a hand, then i switch to an eye, then maybe back to the hand again, then the chest, maybe a leg.. i'm not very structured
if you have a specific painting of mine in mind i would be able to be a little more specific. and thanks again for your kind words!