Whatcha readin'?IChrysI on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ichrysi/art/Whatcha-readin-137926707IChrysI

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IChrysI's avatar

Whatcha readin'?



EDIT: I freaking colored something for once! Sorry for it looking kind of dull, though. I'm learning still. D:

EDIT 2: Changed it back to the black and white version because it looks better. Sorry. D:

I wanted to draw something cute. My silly fangirl instincts kicked in and I this is the resulting picture..

It's Lavi and Julia(Fanfic version). Anywho, Julia is actually making fun of him because of some unknown reason. It was originally because he fell asleep while reading, but I couldn't draw the book. Then she was going to make fun of him for playing with her pet rabbit, but I drew the clipboard first because I was at school. They're probably just flirting right now.

I wanted an excuse to draw Julia's second uniform when I was drawing this, actually. It was really fun to design, but I haven't completely decided that I liked the idea of her in pants again. I'm going to go back and tinker with the design later. And, on that note, I have to go back and make the sleeves a bit looser on her first uniform.

The rest of Lavi's uniform fell off the couch, by the way. Or maybe that's just an excuse to not draw them. I had originally thrown his jacket over the back of the couch, but it was really distracting. And, yes, I neglected to draw him wearing that stupid headband again. I would never be able to draw his hair if I drew it.

Also, Julia looks like Miranda again. And I mean just in the hair. I hadn't intended to do it like that, but it's just how it came out. But at least Julia is a red-head and not dark-haired. I just can't picture her with dark hair.

Lavi/ Miranda © Hoshino Katsura
Julia © Me
Base( [link] ) © xProtege-Moi
Image size
1088x832px 442.08 KB
© 2009 - 2025 IChrysI
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lmori-chanl's avatar
oh my i love its ^^