WaterColourPencil Guide: Part1IceyDew on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/iceydew/art/WaterColourPencil-Guide-Part1-204564594IceyDew

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WaterColourPencil Guide: Part1



Edit: Just corrected some typos. ._. Sorry for the bad English too... it is not my main language. If you happen to see anymore typos, please tell me! Thanks :D

I think it is impossible to put all the progress in one file, and I am afraid that the file will be too huge, so I decided to separate them. Will go to school soon, so I will try to finish the next part after school :D

After a whole morning of work, the first part is done! :'D~~
Not perfect since this is my first try, and I have not make any tutorials before... but still, hope you all like it! :D

PSPS Sorry about the photos.. ><'' I don't have a camera so I borrowed dad's handphone to take them. Hope they don't appear too blurry ^^

Next page: [link(Not yet done)]
Finished picture: [link]
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800x4629px 3.41 MB
© 2011 - 2025 IceyDew
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manda-j-panda's avatar
Great tutorial... I just tried using watercolor pencils today for the first time and was getting frustrated because I had no idea what I was doing- this helped a bunch!