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So, I'm now a mummy... by MouseMakesMess, journal

How To : Features by Kara-a, journal

Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (96)

Favourite Visual Artist
John William Waterhouse, Rembrandt, John Collier,Edmund Leighton, Botticelli, Da Vinci
Favourite Movies
No idea
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
o.o so many
Favourite Writers
George R. R. Martin, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Anne Rice, Tolkien (and maaaaany more)
Favourite Games
The Elder Scrolls series
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, X360, NDS
Tools of the Trade
My pens, my moleskines and a camera ;)
Other Interests
Reading, Writing, Taking Photographs


0 min read
Time is indeed a funny thing. During all this year, I changed, every single day. I can barely remember waking up feeling the same as the day before. Now I feel a little bit more stable. The whole "euphoria" has gone away (and sincerely, I have no idea from where that came from; maybe from the OCD.) and I am calm for the first time this year. I am almost bored, really. But would I want that euphoria back? Never. I could barely think properly with a thousand thoughts rushing inside my head. It was way to much information. But now that I can think like a normal person, I don't seem to give a lot of importance to the things I used to care abou...
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I have to apologize for my watchers; I am not very active these days, and I am about to almost NEVER be active. I think I will only have time to photograph on the weekends.As some of you may know, I suffer from SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder). It really has put my whole life on hold; I had to stop school. And I could barely go out. Now, I am getting better, with the help of my therapist and my medication. (And my sense of survival finally kicking in).The only thing that is really bothering me is that I am not allowed to go back to school yet. I need only one more year, and then, college.My therapists think I am not ready for the pressure tha...
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Oh man. (News)

0 min read
Here I am, almost 19 years old, watching "Pikachu's Vacation" again.  It brings tears to my eyes, really. I was a very happy kid, and when I remember my childhood days, I always, always remember of Pokémon.  I was about 6 years old at that time; and if I really try to remember, I can still name the episodes and say what happens in every one.  My boyfriend downloaded the whole first season and we watched some episodes last saturday. Talk about nostalgia! I have to show it to my little sister; she loves playing Pokémon on my DS and always wants a jigglypuff or a pikachu (just like me *-* hahahaha)My mom never enjoyed videogames, so I didn't ...
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WoodLily's avatar
Happy Birthday! :airborne:
WoodLily's avatar
I want to wish you a Happy Birthday! :cake:
WoodLily's avatar
This was inspired by your picture Joy and I hope you like it:…
IceRose93's avatar
It's lovely! Keep up the good work!