Anivia VU 3ibralui-art on DeviantArt

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ibralui-art's avatar

Anivia VU 3



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2908x2384px 2.61 MB
© 2017 - 2025 ibralui-art
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Kickgirl52's avatar
I like this a lot! I have loved Anivia ever since I started playing LoL (back in season 2). I agree she really needs a visual update and this would be a HUGE and AMAZING one. I also like your ideas for her Q and E updates.

I do have some things I dislike:
- I'm not a fan of the egg on her back. I understand where you were going with it, but it's not my cup of tea. I feel she'd look better without.

- I am confused on what you wanted to do with her W. I like the solid wall, but what is that underneath? Are you completely changing it to hail instead? I feel the wall is basically her thing. (yes I know Taliyah can do the same, but its..different.. you know?) The wall is a game changer in a good...or bad way XD

-Finally the ult. With how you would want it, it reminds me of the new Sejuani ult and Soraka's E.
The way it is now, you can leave it on the floor in the middle of a team fight for as long as your mana will allow it. (crazy awesome AoE!) I would be displeased if this ult would disappear.