Iasi's avatar


DeviantArt Moldova
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anonymous's avatar
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JWArtwork's avatar
Salut my Moldovan friends,

I'm currently working on a project that predicts Europe's (geo)political changes in the future, so I had a question I felt only true Moldovans could answer.
The question is: how do you feel about a possible (re)union with Romania? And if you are in favour, would the criterium of losing Transnistria to Ukraine (possibly in exchange for Budjak and/or Chernivtsi/Bukovina and a population exchange included) make the answer different for you?

I would very much appreciate it if you could help me out with this. Thanks in advance. :)

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ReanimatedManX's avatar

Yes yes and only yes.

Sorry for replying it 11 years later though xD

And yeah fuck Transnistria, directly or not. (Conquer together it back, or middle finger and leave behind)

ioanaadriana's avatar
pentru cine este interesat, in iasi se desfasoara zilele astea un concurs de fotografie. mai multe detalii gasiti aici: [link]

de asemenea, pentru intrebari suplimentare, ma puteti contacta pe dA.

have a nice day :sun:
liviugherman's avatar
Salonul National de Fotografie Iasi 2011: [link]
Yuri001's avatar
Salut,vizitati siteul www.3dromania.eu este o comunitate despre modelarea 3d si grafica special facuta pentru romani
Body28's avatar
Hello. Caut un webDesigner serios si bun pentru un proiect. Detalii la nr. de telefon 0747.59.33.62 - Bogdan, sau e-mail (bog.puiu@yahoo.com) pt cei mai timizi :P
Cerinte: portofoliu si sa fii din Iasi (conditie impusa).

p.s. Caut in numele firmei la care lucrez, deci e borba de bani.