Lost in hopelessness by IamTheForgotten, literature
Lost in hopelessness
Lost, I wander, a traveler bereft
of guiding stars, moon's gentle light
A desert abyss, I stumble, blind
no direction, no refuge in sight
A chasm gapes within, a void that bleeds
darkness, emptiness, my soul's dark seeds
no will to breathe, to eat, to sleep
tormented by thoughts of you, my heart does weep
Rains and monsoons ravage my soul
like Lilith, cast out, I wander, lost, alone
searching for shards of my shattered heart
forever seeking the path of light, our love's departed spark
Your ghost haunts me, a fantasm of beauty
racking my body with pain, a wound that won't heal
only your touch, your voice, your words can soothe
communication, the salve, my heart's only truth
Adrift, I wander, a sea of sand, confusion, loss
forever searching, forever yearning, forever the cost.
I don't know if you read this I don't know if you can. But you know that I depend on my hands especially my right hand. As an artist Crafter a handyman. I would chop off my right hand, to give another chance to be able to talk to you. To make things right between us. Restart as friends. I took a chance on you once. Even knowing your marital situation, that went against what I believe in. But I took a chance on you, and I never failed. All I ask is that you give us one more chance. And I promise you that I would never fail you again.
My love for you has not failed. I love you still more than anything in this world. And as I said above I would give anything, just to have one more chance with you. Even if we could only be friends at first or at most. I am in a loss without you. I don't want to shave. I don't want to eat. I can't focus on anything. But you. I was told to go home early today because I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wasn't doing my work. I'm going to end up losing my job. Eventually I'll probably end up losing my safe place. I may even lose my car. Because I can't stop thinking about you. I am so sorry. I am hurting so bad I've never felt this bad in my life. And I don't understand it. Because I've never been with you physically. But over the months of day in and day out talking to you I was with you you were with me. And now I have nothing. I've been alone before but I've never felt loneliness like this before. Sometimes I pray that my brakes would go out or something else. Cuz I would never commit suicide. I'm not that weak. And that's un forgivable crime in my belief system anyways.
But sometimes my fantasize now and maybe my brakes will go out and I'll die in a fiery crash. Cuz I know I'm going to die by fire if I die. At least that's my fear. I've tried to go on and move on. But I can't erase you out of my heart. I don't know how you've done it so easily.
A final attempt as reconciliation. by IamTheForgotten, literature
A final attempt as reconciliation.
My dearest C.H.
I've always been honest with you, and I want to confront my deepest fears. I've struggled with insecurities, wondering if you'd ever truly be mine. I feared you might never find the courage to visit me. Yet, my heart belongs to you alone.
While I may have commented on other accounts, my desire has always been for you. I promise this on my word, the one thing I've never broken. I've shared more truths with you than anyone, including my own mother. My trust in you is absolute. I've confided in you about things that could put my life at risk. Why would I ever lie to you? I never have, I never will.
You're the only thing that's ever felt right in my life. I'd give anything – even my own life – for just one day with you. To be with you. To hold you. To just touch your hand.
I still believe that if we were to touch there would be a spark so immense and so bright it would blind those around us. All I ask is one more chance and it's all I need and I will never let you down I promise you!
I'm consumed by regret and longing. I made a mistake, one that I don't fully understand, and it drove you away. If only you could find it in your heart to give me another chance, I vow to make things right. I'd do anything to regain your trust and affection.
Despite the 3,000 miles between us, and the fact that you're already committed to someone else, you've had a profound impact on my life. Your presence illuminated my darkest moments, and your absence has left me shattered.
I'm struggling to cope with the loss of our connection. I've lost my appetite, and sleep eludes me. My job is now at risk, and I'm desperate to find a way back to you.
As an artist, I'm willing to sacrifice everything – even my craft – if it means being reunited with you. I yearn for your forgiveness, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn it.
The pain of losing you is overwhelming. I'm haunted by the lyrics of a song that echoes the anguish in my heart. I'm tormented by the thought of living without you.
If you could find it in your heart to give me another chance, I promise to cherish every moment we share. I'll do everything in my power to regain your trust and love.
Please, come back to me.Give a second chance, I'll never waste it...
All of me, all of you! by IamTheForgotten, literature
All of me, all of you!
A 3,000-mile distance, yet so near,
You shone a light in my darkest year.
An angel's touch, a heart now sore,
Longing to heal, to love once more.
In a world of shadows, you were my guide,
With a husband and a life, you couldn't reside.
Yet, in my dreams, our hearts entwined,
A love so strong, it transcended time.
A mistake, a misstep, and you were gone,
Leaving me shattered, my world undone.
No food, no sleep, my job at stake,
My every thought, a plea for your sake.
I'd crawl on glass, on bended knee,
To earn your forgiveness, to set me free.
To be your friend, to start anew,
I'd give up all, my art, my all, for you.
The music's gone, only lyrics remain,
A bittersweet reminder of love's sweet pain.
I miss you so, my heart beats for you alone,
In your absence, my world is lost, my soul overthrown.
If only you'd give me a chance to make amends,
To prove my love, to be your friend.
I'd cherish every moment, every glance,
Forever grateful for a second chance.
If you've ever known this feeling of lost and not know why. I hope this video touches you. Let you know that the feeling of a broken heart. This is how I feel inside I can never do this physically. It's not my path not my way. But losing that one person who's been a constant in my life that my entire life is a revolved around. And losing them so utterly and so completely. You're lost.
If I was ever given the chance I would apologize for all the things all the mistakes that I've made. I'm not perfect I'm flawed in so many different ways. And I've learned now that I what I've lost was the greatest love of my life. If I could turn back Time I wouldn't make the same mistakes twice I would have cherished you more loved you more tried to been there when you truly needed me. And I'm sorry. I love you and loved you so much. I'm freezing I'm in a place of cold and pain and anguish over the loss of you. If I can only be friends with you again I miss you so much. When I lost you I lost a piece of my life a pieces of my heart I can't think straight I can't eat I haven't eaten in a week. I love you more than I've loved anything in this world I've never liked the idea of changing for somebody but I would change for you. You were my elixir of life my ambrosia of the gods. You gave me meaning you made me smile through all the stuff that I've been through. I can't smile anymore I find sadness in everything that I do know. And I hope that if you ever read this that doesn't bring you sorrow. I wish only for happiness of you I only wanted to make you happy I only wanted to love you. You were that angel in the darkness that brought me to the light. But I'm human I'm lost I've made mistakes. I would bow before you and ask your forgiveness. If only you would grab me audience. I am lost without you in my life nothing has meaning food doesn't have flavor at least I finally quit smoking. Don't want to go to the same places that I used to go when I used to talk to you. Nothing has flavor anymore. I've been to hell but this is worse. I just beg if you're ever listening if you're ever watching if you're ever reading anything that I put out but you would give me a second chance to prove my loyalty and my devotion my love eternal. I am not even a dead man on the shell of a Deadman walking a walking Dead. You were the only light in my life and now I have only darkness