Be SavageiamPURPLE on DeviantArt

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Be Savage



This is drawn entirely in black ink pen. :nod:

A character I've made and consistantly thought of. She's not a pleasure to have around, as you can see. Her wings have withered away from her being 'Fallen,' thus she seeks to gain them back. Eventually, she grows jealous of her counter part, a holy male wolf, pelt white as the virgin snow and attacks him. She takes his wings, turning them black with her hatred and bitterness corrupted in her soul. On rage, she can go on killing sprees to feed herself, enjoying the bloodshed ever so much.
However, her mind is not always evil, for she must cooperate with her lighter half, in order to store balance between everything good and evil, creating a middle ground.
She holds the key to cunningness, focus, jealousy, anger, hate, willpower, and reason. She is the Spirit of Shadows.

I have yet to name her. ^^; Something native or legendary.

I've decided to call her Umbraddatra, "Umbra." The translation in Latin is along the roots of "Shadow Bringer."

I liked the Annan idea from ~SunnyThunderintheAir, however, I felt a bit quakey about using an existing Celtic legend name, as I didn't really want to make this part of Celtic mythology. Plus, I also would've taken the name Dragda, but the form isn't the same wolf form that I wanted her counter part. Instead, I'll just dub that name to the white stag she follows at one point.
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