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Artist // Hobbyist // Artisan Crafts
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My Bio

I update my facebook with stuff more regularly: I-Artemis-I

Hi my name is Natalie. I'm from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I started cosplaying late 2011. I love making weapons out of wood, and hate sewing, so any volunteers to be my sewing slave will be appreciated (and possibly rewarded with weapons haha). I'm still pretty new at it, but am getting better, and certainly more ambitious with each project.

Favourite Movies
Studio Ghibli, Lord of the Rings
Favourite TV Shows
Avatar, Survivor
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Muse, Elbow, Kasabian, Birds of Tokyo
Favourite Books
Assassin's Apprentice trilogy, Mad Ship Trilogy, Lord of the Rings
Favourite Writers
Robin Hobb, Isobelle Carmody, JRR Tolkien
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy, Assassin's Creed, Koei
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Knife, Rasp and Saw
What a crazy, crazy year!  I've been too busy/lazy recovering from Smash/WCS, but I guess I'm due for a journal? In chronological order:Sydney Supanova! I've had some great conventions this year, and Sydnova didn't disappoint.  I wasn't dressing as super-popular characters, so I didn't expect a lot of love from con-goers.  Saturday I dressed as Fitz-Chivalry  from Robin Hobb's book (Fool's Assassin hard-cover to be precise).  Robin's my favourite author, and I wanted to show her how much i love her books and appreciate her writing.  And I ran into a cosplayer I'd met a few times at cons dressed as the Fool!  OMG she looked so perfect XD  I...
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Sydnova 2014

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Short entry, because I'm lazy.  I'm coming to Sydnova again this year.  And for the third time in a row, I'm bringing an avatar costume haha.  Saturday I will be FitzChivalry Farseer from the Robin Hobb books (the new book to be released this year, to be precise), because she's coming to Sydnova and I love Fitz (and will not get recognised, but i love Fitz).  Sunday I've got a small korra group together and am cosplaying Kya (Katara's daughter).  She's cool, but still a waterbender, so meh. haha.   As a side note, I'm trying to come to Melbourne Oz Comic Con, because Zuko's VA is going, and I want to meet him sooooo badly.  And Smash is on...
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Out of duty to do a journal rather than actually having the will to do one.GCNova was last weekend.  I'm stuffed!  Saturday I did Ty Lee (ember island players version) with 4 friends.  Hardly anyone recognised me sadly (even though its really just normal ty lee with a tutu instead of skirt thingy).  Even other avatar cosplayer who i greeted when we walked past just kind of kept walking.  Don't know if that reflects on their lack of bother, lack of etiquette or lack of avatar knowledge.  But the cosplay comp made up for them anyway :D  Lucy (our Katara) had written an awesome skit that was so stupidly funny, it went down pretty well with th...
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fixinman's avatar
Well You have been featured on Brad Takei's facebook page
I-Artemis-I's avatar
Ahh, that's not actually me! i HAVE done a McSephiroth, but that one isn't me - my jacket is vinyl and colouring a bit different. Those guys were the ones that inspired me to go looking for the original artwork and make the two costumes
gurihere's avatar
Heya honey
Thanks for faving Me with James and Oliver Phelps by gurihere
Have a great week xx
I-Artemis-I's avatar
haha it's great!  So much awesomeness in one photo
gurihere's avatar
LOL thank you, it was so much fun :)