I-AM-Owl-City's avatar


We don't need feathers to fly.
Years Ago
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anonymous's avatar
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Doctor-HooLock's avatar
I have some lyric artwork from the Ultraviolet EP, but I can't submit artwork to that folder :(
leighta's avatar
As an official (or Owl-ficial) Contributor for the group, I have some admin privileges but it turns out I can't open the folder for new submissions. Sorry. I'd suggest sending a note to either the Founder or Co-Founder since I think they are the only ones with full admin abilities.
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paperraiin's avatar
Oh, I'm sorry about that. I thought all of the folders were open, I'll make sure I'll get to transferring them over and editing the settings.
Thank you for letting me know, I love your work! :)
Rebel-Rider's avatar
As a non-member, I'm having the same issue with the Mobile Orchestra folder.