Lemuria - Phase 1Hyrotrioskjan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hyrotrioskjan/art/Lemuria-Phase-1-1069991564Hyrotrioskjan

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Lemuria - Phase 1


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Welcome to Lemuria, an alternate timeline for our planet, with a focus on the title giving landmass Lemuria.
Lemuria is what happens when Madagascar and India never separate. This has massive ramifications for all of history which is
why we are starting in the Cretaceous, not that long after the divergence point. This phase will not look too different from what you are used to,
but as we are going through the ages the fauna of this place will get more and more bizarre.
We are still in the process of figuring everything out!
But for now I hope you all enjoy this first phase of Lemuria!

Please note that submitting an entry does not guarantee that it will be canonised or drawn. Some species might not be included in the murals but will be canonised later, potentially giving rise to new taxa in the next phase.

Maximum of 60 entries, five species per entry.
Please only use clades from the provided lists.
Entries should be submitted on Discord in the #event-submissions channel or on Twitter, DeviantArt, Tumblr or Facebook under #LemuriaChallenge.
Entries must be in a human-made visual medium (NO AI, we will disqualify you). When working with traditional media make sure you get a scan or a good photo of the piece if possible, we want to be able to see what you worked on!
Please follow the posting guide when submitting entries:
Besides the image, it is best to include a description of the species you show. It’s best to keep it short and to have it on the image or as a separate image, but make sure to always put the description in the discord message. That way we can easily find your work while browsing the entries in our folder or #event-submissions.

Descriptions should look like this:
-Species name
-Size (please use the metric system like civilized people)
-Additional information if needed/wanted

Find more information and maps in our google folder:

Image size
900x585px 540.75 KB
© 2024 - 2025 Hyrotrioskjan
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L00ZA's avatar

I've been following your work for a while now, and I've been mainly interested in your spec challenges (that's why I just created the account :)) but I'm not sure how the Atlantis and Lemuria format works. In the following phases, will there be groups of fauna and flora marked on a list (like in this phase) or will all the fauna and flora be descendants of some groups seen in this phase? I just wanted to clarify, since I've already come up with some interesting ideas for the second phase... ;)  I'm so excited!