HypocriteCannibal's avatar


Terra Incognito, Baby.
111 Watchers48 Deviations

Hello friends!

I'm expecting a new mic in the mail in the coming days, and have been getting back into the swing art streaming!

As such, I've wanted to hold live TWWM requests for viewers and followers soon. Alternately, I'll probably be making a post asking for requests in the official discord!

Additionally, I've been working on my latest esk designs on stream.

To catch a stream, check me out here!

--> https://www.twitch.tv/bardghest_

I'm also trying for affiliate, so it would mean a lot to me to have a couple new followers and folks to chill with!

I know a lot of folks can't catch streams (and I don't have a proper schedule), so I also wanted to open up an opportunity for commented requests here on my journal, too (TWWM related)! Requests made on this journal will be streamed.

Of course, they are not first come first serve, and I may not be able to do every request. Streaming is meant to keep up my productivity/focus, so twitch followers will have priority on requests (make sure to include your username in your comment if it's different than your DA) --eskspecially considering these will be streamed!

Thanks all! qvq

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1 min read

i fell off the face of the earth but i am alive and going to try to be active in twwm again ✌️

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Hello all!

I've been pretty active lately fulfilling gift art from the discord, but thought it would be nice to have more of a running list of requests that I could draw.
I will not be abandoning doing requests on discord occasionally, rest assured!

I absolutely love doing gift art, so I've opened up this request journal! You may comment a request as long as this journal is open and you have read the rules below!

  • You MAY post more than one esk or request. The more the merrier!
  • They are not first come first serve. I will choose ones I have ideas for and will find relaxing.
  • Please only offer esks for art request, not fully detailed requests of illustrations or dictated styles.
  • My time is limited, so I likely will not be able to do every request.
  • I will respond to your comment if I've drawn your esk!
  • You may ask me for the higher resolution image of your esk after completion (good for making yourself a print or printables like stickers)
  • You may use the artwork I've made for you anywhere (new reference sheets you edit/upload yourself, derivative works, etc) as long as you credit me and link back to the original image.
  • PLEASE let me know if you are primarily a writer and not a visual artist. If your esk doesn't have many images, please let me know too. I am more likely to draw for these users.
  • Have fun!!!

Past work: 
Between a Rock and a Plush Place by HypocriteCannibal Sweet Spring by HypocriteCannibal KohlraBUP by HypocriteCannibal
A Wellsprings Wish From a Haunted House by HypocriteCannibal

Cheers, friends! I'll be looking forward to your lovely esk requests! -Mac

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2947 by ScaryGhouls
{ F i n n }

Early Spring by HypocriteCannibal

Finn Sticker (usage purposes upload) by HypocriteCannibal

Origin: Traveler
Nature: Sleepy
Boundary: Sluggish River
Size: Humble
Nature Feature: Fool's Watercress

{ G r o w t h  P o i n t s } 
GP: 96


Finn/Fen (#2947) reference by HypocriteCannibal

{ S t u f f I l l A d d L a t e r } 

Fresh Waters Biome by Esk-Masterlist

{ N o t e s } 

{ T r i n k e t s } 

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{ P l a y e r P r o f i l e
Username: hypocriteCannibal

Lvl5 by Esk-Masterlist

Player level: Bud (Level 5)
Aura Points: 907

Official Spreadsheet:
{ C h a r a c t e r s }

{ A c h i e v e m e n t s }
(badges, treasures)
Wobble plant by Esk-Masterlist Forest friend by Esk-Masterlist Seeker's notebook by Esk-Masterlist Old Tarot Card by Esk-Masterlist Floral by witherlings Azurite carving by Esk-Masterlist
Paper crane by Esk-Masterlist


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hello by HypocriteCannibal, journal

[always OPEN] RequEsks! by HypocriteCannibal, journal

hypocriteCannibal's TWWM Player Profile by HypocriteCannibal, journal

A thank you to the recent watchers! by HypocriteCannibal, journal

Good Evening, Friends. by HypocriteCannibal, journal