Dragon VIIhypnothalamus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hypnothalamus/art/Dragon-VII-85552111hypnothalamus

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August 12, 2010
Dragon VII by *NegativeFeedback "The moment I laid eyes on Dragon VII, I was captivated. The sure, sensuous movement, the shifting reflections of the scales all bring to mind the image of the serpent, a potent symbol and one that evokes feelings of fear and uncertainty in mankind. Though the scales reflecting light move in the wrong direction, the animation is so powerful it swallows up the error and makes itself whole regardless. Truly, this is a well done animation."
Featured by NikiVandermosten
Suggested by ScaredyCat
hypnothalamus's avatar

Dragon VII



personal favorites from the Dragons series

right click on film and activate Loop

finally got the normal mapping to work properly - for those who are not familiar with computer graphics normal mapping is a technique that changes the surface orientation making it possible to add detail to an object without increasing polygon count - the reflections on the snake scales are just a result of normal mapping (the surface is actually flat)
I guess I'm weird cause instead of using OpenGL or DirectX I use my own graphics code written in Delphi
snakelike dragon also generated with programming

hell just realized for some time now that the reflections were wrong - if you pay attention the reflection moves in the wrong direction and this is because of A STUPID SIGN - it was F@#%ING MINUS
that's what happens when you write your own code (actually considering that there were a few errors for rotating the view in 3ds max 4 or 5 and also some simple errors in photoshop it makes you think that maybe the people there didn't really pay attention in math classes on vectorial spaces :D)
probably will update this...
Image size
900x700px 1.2 MB
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