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EDIT: UPDATED to fit the KBB standards. WIN.
Because I'm quite possibly the biggest nerd in the universe.
For a project to be revealed in the future. Observant watchers may guess what it is already, but I'll explain later. Instead, here is a huge, obnoxious description of Olivia's backstory, personality, and Keyblade. Feel free to skip if you don't care or know nothing about one or both fandoms. XD
Name: Olivia Bartlett
Age: 17
Personality: Olivia's a very friendly young woman who understands what her task is as a Keyblade wielder, though she has no idea why she was chosen to do it. She has a strong sense of justice and loves to help people, and she hates the fact that the Heartless in Domino City are essentially corrupting the game she loves to play so much--the more she travels to new worlds, the more she understands how far the Heartless have spread, and she therefore has taken up the task of fighting them everywhere, too. She loves cheering people up, and has a pretty developed sense of humor she employs to do this. She is instinctively kind, and therefore is extremely reluctant to say something that will offend someone. She will sometimes dance around topics in order to avoid hurting a person's feelings, often to extremes. Emotionally very strong, she sometimes has a quick temper, and will often fight for her beliefs with an almost inexhaustible and sometimes close-minded vigor. However, everything simply boils down to her desire to do what's right, as corny as it sounds. A good word to describe her emotions is BIG. She is very open about her emotions, so long as it doesn't directly hurt someone she cares about. She wears her heart on her sleeve most of the time, and though her openness can be somewhat off-putting, she is rarely bothered by what others think of her, just the well-being of others. She's the kind of person who could dance and sing at the top of her lungs in the middle of a crowded place just to make one person's day. The word crazy has also been applied lovingly to her on occasion.
Weapon: Champion Duelist
Object of Derivation: Duel Disk
Ability: Cards
Ability Description:
-----For one, this allows her to equip different monster or spell cards in the keyhole slot on her Keyblade instead of attaching keychains. These give her different boosts depending on the card (i.e. improved attack, immunity to elements, or spell abilities).
-----If you were to play as Olivia in Kingdom Hearts, it would be similar to playing Chain of Memories, but with a twist. Instead of cards controlling all actions, she has a command called Draw in place of Magic. This allows her to draw a hand from her deck and play any and all cards drawn to produce a variety of effects. She can can use some cards to temporarily improve battle skills, temporarily weaken enemies, or cast magic not normally available to her (she can't usually use magic, except through cards--when magic casting cards are played, Magic replaces the Draw command).
-----She can only have five of these cards in play at any time, however, and save for the magic casting cards (which she must returned to the deck manually to deactivate), the cards only last for a short time before disappearing into her deck. Once all cards are returned to the deck, the Draw ability is available once again.
Homeworld: Yu-Gi-Oh! (Domino City)
Backstory: Olivia's backstory is rather straightforward. She was a duelist in Domino City who found herself, like many others, in the middle of the Heartless' attack on her world. One day, she was in the middle of a duel when the heartless sprung out from seemingly everywhere. She threw up her arms to shield herself when suddenly a bright light shone in front of her. When she opened her eyes, her duel disk had taken the form of a Keyblade and she began to swing it wildly at the dark creatures. As soon as the battle was over, her duel disk returned to its normal form. It wasn't until her second bout against the heartless that she began to realize what had happened and what her duel disk had become. It wasn't long before she had learned how to properly use the thing and was off fighting the creatures right and left. After a few months, she stumbled upon her blade's ability to change into a key. This eventually led her to the Keyblade Academy, which she eagerly joined and quickly worked her way up to being a mentor.
Miscellaneous Keyblade Facts:
-----Her Keyblade is built like a tonfa, actually. If you could see her right hand, you would be looking at the pinkie side of her hand as she holds the grip of the blade.
-----And the way the blade works is that it spins using the red spinner part on the disk, just like in the show, except that it spins 360 degrees and can stop at any angle to lock in and be used as a blade or reverse spin. It can also spin rapidly to be used as a shield.
-----Also, where the life points of the user would normally be indicated on the duel disk, there is a health bar akin to the bar in Kingdom Hearts.
Yeah, I'm a nerd.
Keyblades and all such related things belong to Disney/Squenix
Yu-Gi-Oh! belongs to Kazuki Takahashi
Olivia belongs to me
Because I'm quite possibly the biggest nerd in the universe.
For a project to be revealed in the future. Observant watchers may guess what it is already, but I'll explain later. Instead, here is a huge, obnoxious description of Olivia's backstory, personality, and Keyblade. Feel free to skip if you don't care or know nothing about one or both fandoms. XD
Name: Olivia Bartlett
Age: 17
Personality: Olivia's a very friendly young woman who understands what her task is as a Keyblade wielder, though she has no idea why she was chosen to do it. She has a strong sense of justice and loves to help people, and she hates the fact that the Heartless in Domino City are essentially corrupting the game she loves to play so much--the more she travels to new worlds, the more she understands how far the Heartless have spread, and she therefore has taken up the task of fighting them everywhere, too. She loves cheering people up, and has a pretty developed sense of humor she employs to do this. She is instinctively kind, and therefore is extremely reluctant to say something that will offend someone. She will sometimes dance around topics in order to avoid hurting a person's feelings, often to extremes. Emotionally very strong, she sometimes has a quick temper, and will often fight for her beliefs with an almost inexhaustible and sometimes close-minded vigor. However, everything simply boils down to her desire to do what's right, as corny as it sounds. A good word to describe her emotions is BIG. She is very open about her emotions, so long as it doesn't directly hurt someone she cares about. She wears her heart on her sleeve most of the time, and though her openness can be somewhat off-putting, she is rarely bothered by what others think of her, just the well-being of others. She's the kind of person who could dance and sing at the top of her lungs in the middle of a crowded place just to make one person's day. The word crazy has also been applied lovingly to her on occasion.
Weapon: Champion Duelist
Object of Derivation: Duel Disk
Ability: Cards
Ability Description:
-----For one, this allows her to equip different monster or spell cards in the keyhole slot on her Keyblade instead of attaching keychains. These give her different boosts depending on the card (i.e. improved attack, immunity to elements, or spell abilities).
-----If you were to play as Olivia in Kingdom Hearts, it would be similar to playing Chain of Memories, but with a twist. Instead of cards controlling all actions, she has a command called Draw in place of Magic. This allows her to draw a hand from her deck and play any and all cards drawn to produce a variety of effects. She can can use some cards to temporarily improve battle skills, temporarily weaken enemies, or cast magic not normally available to her (she can't usually use magic, except through cards--when magic casting cards are played, Magic replaces the Draw command).
-----She can only have five of these cards in play at any time, however, and save for the magic casting cards (which she must returned to the deck manually to deactivate), the cards only last for a short time before disappearing into her deck. Once all cards are returned to the deck, the Draw ability is available once again.
Homeworld: Yu-Gi-Oh! (Domino City)
Backstory: Olivia's backstory is rather straightforward. She was a duelist in Domino City who found herself, like many others, in the middle of the Heartless' attack on her world. One day, she was in the middle of a duel when the heartless sprung out from seemingly everywhere. She threw up her arms to shield herself when suddenly a bright light shone in front of her. When she opened her eyes, her duel disk had taken the form of a Keyblade and she began to swing it wildly at the dark creatures. As soon as the battle was over, her duel disk returned to its normal form. It wasn't until her second bout against the heartless that she began to realize what had happened and what her duel disk had become. It wasn't long before she had learned how to properly use the thing and was off fighting the creatures right and left. After a few months, she stumbled upon her blade's ability to change into a key. This eventually led her to the Keyblade Academy, which she eagerly joined and quickly worked her way up to being a mentor.
Miscellaneous Keyblade Facts:
-----Her Keyblade is built like a tonfa, actually. If you could see her right hand, you would be looking at the pinkie side of her hand as she holds the grip of the blade.
-----And the way the blade works is that it spins using the red spinner part on the disk, just like in the show, except that it spins 360 degrees and can stop at any angle to lock in and be used as a blade or reverse spin. It can also spin rapidly to be used as a shield.
-----Also, where the life points of the user would normally be indicated on the duel disk, there is a health bar akin to the bar in Kingdom Hearts.
Yeah, I'm a nerd.
Keyblades and all such related things belong to Disney/Squenix
Yu-Gi-Oh! belongs to Kazuki Takahashi
Olivia belongs to me
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Huh. An original idea. How novel.