Deus Vulpex - Mammalkind DividedHyenaTig on DeviantArt

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HyenaTig's avatar

Deus Vulpex - Mammalkind Divided



"Call me nostalgic, but the nightlife seems to have lost its old charm."

It was a long run, but it's done now! Never spent more time in one picture.
Judy - Icon Judy - Icon Judy - Icon

BUT... it was worth it, I guess.
Nick - Icon


Deus Vulpex - Mammalkind Divided (alt. version #1) by HyenaTig
Deus Vulpex - Mammalkind Divided (alt. version #2) by HyenaTig


And, as always:
TRACE SEAL Kopie by HyenaTig
Character(s) is/were created
without any tracing or tracing-like technique
of the movie's direct still frames, other artist's work and/or other media.
Some references for structures were used.
Image size
5800x5800px 6.07 MB
© 2017 - 2025 HyenaTig
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puglous's avatar
Funny, the plot of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided reminded me a bit of Zootopia (or was it the other way around?   I forget which came out first).

"Not gonna go all wonky on us now, Chomper, are ya?"