9.27 Little Machybridmink on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/hybridmink/art/9-27-Little-Mac-484840850hybridmink

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hybridmink's avatar

9.27 Little Mac



**Revised 11.17!


I went to the Best Buy thing during E3. I was in line for 3 hours. I got to play the 3DS version while waiting in line for about 5 minutes. I played the Wii version for 2. Both times I used Little Mac.

Still not sure if it was worth it...

Info on Smash sketches:

In order to sate my frothing demand for the new smash brothers, I've decided to do a sketch every night. It's also a good way to experiment with different styles since there is such a wide variety in the new game!

The rules I'm going by right now are:
-no longer than an hour spent
-full body shots

Let me know if you have any suggestions, but I'll try to get to everyone eventually. All 50 (or more??) of them!

tumblr:     hybridmink.tumblr.com/
shop:        www.redbubble.com/people/hybri…
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Cartoontriper's avatar

the color make it look like a "Keshi" figure